Friday, January 27, 2017

Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago Cover

Today I am allowed to show off the cover for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago! Once again, the artwork comes from the talented Dmitry Burmak, who did all of the artwork in the original Frostgrave book. For this project, he is being joined by his wife, Kate.

So, in the centre, you've got the Heritor. Heritor's are the protagonists in the game. To his right, is his warden, in this case a 'Wind Warden', who not only helps him in battle, but is crucial to his hopes of navigating the Lost Isles. Unfortunately for the pair, they've managed to venture into the territory of some snake-men who are pretty famous for their dislike of visitors...

One other piece of news that I'm allowed to reveal, Osprey Games and North Star Military Figures are once again working together to produce miniatures for the game. This will include a plastic box set of 'crew' figures that will make up the bulk of the Heritor's crew. This will hopefully be released at the same time as the book, in September.

More info coming soon...

Or see my previous post on Ghost Archipelago if you have no idea what I'm talking about! 


  1. Seriously looking forward to this!

  2. That looks amazing and I'm really excited to hear that there with be plastics for the "crew".

  3. This looks awesome. take my money!! ;-)

  4. I want plastic snake people

  5. Are you based in Perth? I'm keen to get into frostgrave but haven't found anyone on the west coast.

    1. Afraid not, about as far away from water is you can get in England.

    2. that's gotta be a challenge to find in England

  6. Take the Frostgrave name off it. It's misleading and has nothing to do with this book.

    1. Well, it is used smaller here than on the other books, but it certainly has a lot to do with it.

  7. Cover looks great! I'm definitely looking forward to this spin-off!

  8. Looking good - Snake people - just what I never new I needed :-)
    Thanks for posting.

  9. My better half will never forgive me if I don't order it all :-)

  10. Well, I have jungle terrain... damn, no easy excuses then.
    Wonder if anyone else at the club will have a go.

  11. Looking forward to the snakemen.

  12. I have to ask are you making the game less reliant on luck cos my club gave out on it when we all came to the conclusion that a coulple of +2's diddent really matter on a d20

  13. Frostgrave has the level of 'luck' I find enjoyable in a wargame. Obviously opinions will vary on this. I agree that a +2 is not a huge advantage, but then, it was never meant to be. warbands and soldiers are supposed to be of similar capability. It's all about focusing on key moments and combats. It's not that hard to achieve a localised advantage of +6 or even +8. Do that when you really need to and you'll win more than you lose.

  14. Arr! Can't wait for it to come out, cap'n!

  15. Oh man, I getting a serious Sinbad vibe from this.
