Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Planar Storm: A New Frostgrave Scenario

I just received the new issue of Miniature Wargames which includes my new Frostgrave scenario, 'Planar Storm'. This scenario was written to go along with the ones found in Forgotten Pacts, and features a new type of barbarian adversary, 'The Tainted'.

Miniature Wargames 405 is available in either print or ebook editions.

I haven't had a chance to read the rest of the issue, but it appears to contain some interesting stuff, such as a solo scenario for The Men Who Would Be Kings by Conrad Kinch, an article from the Andy Copestake who runs Old Glory UK on what influences him as a gamer, and a full set of pike and shot rules by Arthur Harman.


  1. Thanks Joe, you should get some credit for getting them another subscriber!

  2. I'll definitely mention it to the editor, next time I talk with him! Thanks.

  3. Thanks for the heads up, Joe! I picked up my copy today and the scenario is fantastic, all of the 'bonus' ones have been fantastic so far
