Friday, September 22, 2017


These days, when I'm working on a supplement for Frostgrave, I tend to jump all around the book when writing it. I write a scenario, then some magic items, then some background. I find it easier that way. However, when I wrote the original rulebook, I wrote pretty much the whole thing in the order it is printed. That includes the scenarios.

Looking back, I realize this was probably a mistake. This means the first scenario in the book is 'The Mausoleum'. I love this scenario, but it is perhaps not the best scenario to play if you've never played the game before. It's got a lot of skeletons, and with new players, who are likely to be less aggressive since they are less familiar with the rules, you can end up with even more skeletons. Many players end up fighting skeletons and never actually come into contact.

Oh well, live and learn. In the meantime, I realized I needed to boost my skeleton numbers a bit and recently finished painting this guy. His pieces come completely from the Frostgrave Cultist box. I must say, I actually much prefer painting skeletons with their clothes on. I never had good luck painting all bones.


  1. If I remember correctly each scenario should be played only once and you are not forced to choose first as your starting one. I guess most of people choose 1 vs 1, with 6 tokens, no special rules, just killing each others. That is how people mostly play their first battles.

    The biggest problem in my opinion are terrains for specific scenario. Because you somehow force people to make or buy them.

    Overall, I'm glad you back to icy Frostgrave Joe.
    Give us another excellent book!

    1. It gets pretty hard to write new scenarios without calling for specific terrain. There are a few that do require VERY specific terrain, but in most cases, its pretty easy to substitute whatever you've got. Many thanks, and don't worry, I'm working on the next book for Frozen Frostgrave right now!

  2. Is there a recommended order for new players to play through the scenarios in the main book?

    1. Not really, but I would start with The Well of Dreams and Sorrows and probably play The Haunted Houses last.

  3. Oh I don't know, I think the skeleton gives a flavour of how the game can pull you in different directions if you let it, which is interesting. Recently me and a friend played it again but with 4 skeletons appearing per turn- can be fun! :-)
