Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Star Trek: Discovery

I watch very little television these days. Mostly, I just don't have the time, and when I do, I would generally rather read. However, when I found out that Netflix in the UK would be getting Star Trek: Discovery, I admit I was a tad excited. Both The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine were important shows during my formative years (especially as their air-times seem to coincide with Dad's homemade pizza nights). Unfortunately, none of the Star Trek that has been produced since then has really been what I wanted.

Well, I have just watched the first two episodes of Discovery, and I have to say, I really enjoyed them. It manages to feel like classic Trek, but also to establish its own identity. Lots of action, but also some good character depth, at least for the main character. The end of the second episode really leaves the series hanging in the dark, so I'm excited to see where it goes.

Anyway, if you are a Trek, or even sci-fi, fan, and have Netflix in the UK (or whatever it is showing on in the US), then you should probably give it a try.


  1. Agreed. So far I'm really enjoying it, even with some of the design choices. The graveyard ship was a genius concept that is really in character

  2. Oh well, time to reactivate my account.

  3. Disappointing that the U.K. gets this series as part of Netflix. In the U.S. you have to sign up for a service called CBS All Access to get this show outside of the first episode. It isn't part of Netflix or regular broadcast television even though it is made by a broadcast network.

  4. Yeah, the UK definitely benefits from CBS not being a thing over here! That said, it has obviously been created to have commercial breaks, so I think you'll be seeing it on more regular tv in the not too distant future.

  5. I enjoyed the show, watched the second episode straight away, lots of dosh spent on it and it looked good.

  6. I enjoyed the show, though I am a bit thrown by its setting. Setting this show just a few years before the original Kirk/Spock Trek seems really weird; when everything is getting a total design upgrade, even the Klingons (who I think look really cool with their new heads). I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with my favourite Trek Race, the Andorians.
