Monday, December 31, 2018

Guarding Jabba’s Treasure Horde

A few things I painted recently – another Gomorran Guard from the Jabba’s Realm expansion from Imperial Assault and couple of treasure piles from one of Mantic’s Terrain Crates.

I varied the armour colour on the Gomorran a bit from the previous one I painted, but it’s pretty similar. Again, some really wonderful figures, with a level of detail comparable to most metals on the market. With these guys and the Weequays, I think I'm going to have to get a Jabba figure.

I bought one of the Mantic Terrain Crates during a recent shopping trip to Canterbury (from Dice and Destiny). If you are looking to pick up a lot of small scenery cheap, this is probably the best way to do it. That said, I kind of wish I had used the same money to buy a smaller number of higher quality pieces. It’s not that there is anything wrong with the Mantic ones, apart from some awkward bendiness on a few of he pieces, and they do look good painted up, but these days I’d like to focus my miniature buying on quality over quantity. There are so many small manufacturers doing really high-quality resin pieces, and I think I’ll be happier going with them for any of these kinds of accessories. For someone just starting out in the hobby though, its definitely worth a look.