Monday, November 4, 2019

Frostgrave Templar

Work on my new Frostgrave warband continues. Here is the group’s heavy hitter, a female templar wielding a seriously big axe! That is ‘realistically big’ as opposed to the ‘no human could ever lift that big’ that is overly common in miniatures. The figure comes from the official Frostgrave miniature line and is sculpted by Mark Copplestone.

I must admit, I was drawn to this figure as soon as I saw it. She just looks really tough. Painting was a delight, as the figure has nice distinct layers and details, including some very nicely sculpted earrings.

I didn’t originally plan to give her face paint, but my hand slipped while I was attempting to paint her eyes. I actually liked the look of this, so I went with it.  I must admit, in the photo, it makes her look like she is wearing a ‘classic villain mask,’ but this is mostly a function of seeing the figure at several times its actual size. Viewed live, the white eye dots are barely visible and really work.

I can’t wait to get her on the table (and likely watch her roll terrible in fights, as is the common fate of a warband's supposed ‘best fighter’).

Eight warband members down, just two to go!


  1. Mark Copplestone continues to make some lovely sculpts. He's been a breath of fresh air among the over-detailed minis for decades. I like the Templar's eye make-up. It is very reminiscent of Pris from Bladerunner.

    1. I can only second this - even though I like details, nowadays it's simply too much. This is exactly the right amount.

  2. Looks good Joe! Don't know if you'd try this (maybe on another mini), but you could add a second white dot next to the ones that are already there. This will emulate the look of eyes with warpaint even more believable. Though, you'll need a 10/0 brush for that...

    1. All of this warband appears to have those white eyes... I'm thinking that maybe the Wizard doesn't like to pay top dollar, and so might be using mind control as a recuitment tool instead.

    2. I'm afraid that second dot is beyond my ability! I'm already using a 10/0. Some have the white eyes, some just have black circles.
