Monday, November 25, 2019

Frostgrave Warband – Complete!

This weekend I finished painting up the last figure for my new Frostgrave warband! As I mentioned at the start, my goal was to paint each figure to the best of my ability. I painted each figure, one-at-a-time, and kept working on it until I felt I could do nothing more to improve upon it.  Now that I can line them all up together, I truly feel like my effort has been rewarded. I now have a warband that I can feel really proud to put on the table. Okay, it’s probably not going to win any painting contests, but I do think that people will pause by the table to appreciate it. More to the point, I think it will make any game I play just look that little bit better, which will make it just that little bit more fun.

The other thing that really pleases me about this warband is that I practiced what I preached, and used the miniatures I wanted for it, regardless of what line or company they come from. In fact, the figure/line breakdown looks like this:

4 Reaper Miniatures
2 Frostgrave Miniatures
1 Oathmark Miniature

Now that they are all read to go, I’ve got them a box of their very own. These little Chessex boxes are great for carrying small warbands. Okay, the cat-man barely fits, and takes up two slots, but it works. 

I’ve also included three treasure tokens from Tiny Furniture. I already had these painted, but they are my favourite treasure tokens, so they are on permanent assignment to the warband. Finally, I put my glittery d20 in there. Actually, I have plans to replace this with a blue version if I can find one I like to better match the colours of the wizard and apprentice. (Perhaps this weekend at Dragonmeet!).  I also keep a 6” ruler in the box as I consistently forget to bring a measuring device to games.

Now that these guys are done and ready to go, it might be time for a new Ghost Archipelago warband…


  1. They look outstanding, Joe. Nice job. I'm painting my new warband right now, too... it's the one I'll be using to tackle all 10 of your Perilous Dark scenarios. I'll be filming them and sharing them. I'll get you a link when the first one goes up.

  2. That's a handsome looking warband.

  3. They look really good. Here's hoping for lots of successful adventuring for them.

  4. Looks great! Could you go into a little more detail about which of the minis are from which lines?

    Does the catman being larger than the others represent ingame size? How does that interact with the rules?

    1. The wizard, apprentice, cat-man, and guy on the far right are Reaper. The tracker and templar are Frostgrave. The archer and woman with two knives are Rangers of Shadow Deep. The guy holding his helmet is Oathmark. The goat is Ghost Archipelago. The cat man will probably be playing the part of a Bear animal companion. Or maybe a Barbarian when I have the money. The fact that he's bigger really makes no difference to anything in game.

  5. Great stuff, I always like seeing new warbands that have a nice consistent paint job across everything. Good luck with the gaming!

  6. Hey, I also have the bald-headed assassin model on the far right! I'm glad to see that he doesn't look out-of-scale with the others, just tall.

    1. Also, your warband looks amazing! Particularly your sabre-toothed barbarian, he looks fantastic! =D
