Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Master Samwise Gamgee

Just a couple of months ago, I thought I had peaked as a miniature painter. I believed I was still painting miniatures to a  good standard, but my eye-sight is worsening, and I just didn’t seem to be approaching it with the same passion as in years passed. Then, I made some changes.

I started being more deliberate with my miniature purchases. I completely reviewed and revamped all of my painting tools and accessories, and, perhaps most importantly, I made a real effort to set-aside chunks of time where I could concentrate fully on my painting. I also started working on my technique a bit, being more willing to water-down my paints and paint that extra highlight layer…  Well, I now feel like I’m heading in an upwards direction again, and several of the last few miniatures I have painted I can confidently say are better than any that I have painted in years past.

For example, I have just finished painting Gus Greenweevil from Reaper Miniatures, sculpted by Bobby Jackson. Gus will be playing the part of Sam Gamgee in my Fellowship of the Ring.  I mean really – he’s a pudgy Hobbit, overloaded with stuff, including a frying paint, ‘rope’, and a dagger.  I kind of wish he wasn’t carrying a torch, but you can’t have it all.

In fact, it’s that torch – or more exactly the flame on top, which is the only part of the paint job I’m not completely satisfied with. The next time I paint fire, I’m going to have to research some new techniques. Still, it’s passable. I think the face is one of the best I’ve ever painted – helped by the broad, slightly cartoony features. Otherwise, it’s just lots of washes and layers.

For me, miniature painting is definitely about enjoying the figure I am working on to the maximum extent possible, more than the sense of accomplishment from getting loads of figures done.


  1. Nice work. What's the LOTR project, skirmish or rpg?

    1. Neither. Both. I just love LOTR, love painting figures for it. I'll figure out what to do with them later!

  2. Thats a great paint job!

    You're torch is also perfect... it's just not finished, spend literally 2 more minutes on it - paint a fine black line at the top of all the flames that are red, and a fine white line in the deepest recesses which are yellow. Done. See image 2 on the link below for reference.

  3. That's a fantastic paint job. It was got a real sort of "cell shaded" look to it; and has loads of character.

    1. I mean like a cartoon; where the colours and shades are distinct from each other rather than smoothly blended. It is a style I really like.

    2. Actually, looking at the photos again with my glasses on, it is probably more blended than I first thought :D It was probably the eyes that threw me.

    3. Hard to tell with pictures sometimes.

  4. What a 'cute' little guy, brilliant work.

  5. Looks really great, are you using a magnifying glass?
    I'm getting older, too, and I have been using one for the past few years. It makes all the difference in the world!

    1. No, just my normal reading glasses. I do have a stronger pair of glasses, I will very occasionally put on for a detail, though I didn't use them on this figure.

  6. I bet the "torch" is from a fire Sam started on Weathertop before they began cooking and he swept it around to check for Nazgul ahead of time. A little too early perhaps...
