Friday, December 27, 2019

My Favourite Blog Articles of 2019

The year is almost done, but I have a few more words to add here on The Renaissance Troll. It’s actually been a big year for the blog. In fact, this blog is the 122nd I’ve written this year. Now, most of these fall under the ‘Hey, look at this mini I painted’ category, but actually, there was some pretty good diversity overall. I have just taken some time to scan through all of the blogs this year and pick out my 13 Favourites.

This was just a great experience, and a good reminder to myself to try and take advantage of the opportunities that are presented by living so close to London.

Sometimes, it is better to just cut your losses and move on to other things.

I am part of an amazing community of game designers, and this little project was just loads of fun.

Trying to understand life in my early 40s.

A look back at some of my history with Osprey Publishing and my first attempt to write set of wargame rules.

I major geek milestone.

I had this idea that it might be possible to combine playing games with doing real world good. I created a science-fiction wargame and used it to raise over a $1,000 for charity.

A bit of gaming writing I did for no better reason than it was fun.

Remembering an important moment from my childhood.

A miniature photo shoot that just makes me smile.

A rare blog about the challenges and difficulties of fatherhood.

Almost certainly the most important hobby blog I wrote this year. The ideas behind it have changed my relationship with miniatures and greatly increased my enjoyment.

The first product of the ideas in the above blog.


  1. Happy new year mate. Thank you for Operation Last Train. I've slowly been gathering the minis to play it 😊

  2. It's been a fun year to follow, looking forward to the next!

  3. Nice collection of posts :-)
    Speaking of "operation last train" - any chance to see further scenarios, or maybe even a "blue book" at some point in time? Thx and happy new year!

    1. It is something I hope to get back to next year, but we will see!

  4. Thanks for this Joe, there are a lot of good ideas and wise words here! =D

  5. Happy New Joe.
    Thanks for the rules.... They have been a source of some great games over 2019.

  6. What a wonderful year you've had.
    Happy New Year mate! Best wishes for 2020.
