Friday, March 27, 2020

Frostgrave is Free!!!

I have been talking with Osprey Games about how we can help out with all of the people who are currently stuck at home, either by government order or because they are helping by self-isolating. It seems like this is a time when everyone could use a little solo gaming! I suggested that we give away Dark Alchemy, since that has 3 solo scenarios… but that only helps people who already play Frostgrave.  So, in the end, we just decided to give away the Frostgrave rulebook too!

Right now, you can go onto the Osprey Publishing website and download both the Frostgrave Rulebook and Dark Alchemy as FREE PDFs using the code: FGV2020.

But that didn't seem quite enough for what is likely to be a long lockdown, so we are also giving away the first section of Frostgrave: Perilous Dark, which includes 3 more SOLO scenarios, as well as some advice on creating your own solo scenarios.

So, if you’ve ever wondered about the game, but weren’t sure, here is a chance to give it a look! You can even try it out, solo-style, by using the scenarios found in Dark Alchemy and Perilous Dark

And don’t worry – Frostgrave has always been a game about using whatever miniatures and terrain you have – no need to buy anything new to start. So, have some fun, roll some dice, fight some monsters and see if you can survive. Then hop online to the Frostgrave Facebook Page, Board Game Geek, Reddit, Lead Adventure, or any other wargame hangouts and share your stories and your pictures, so we can all share in the adventure.

Good luck!

P.S. Play Dark Alchemy first, Perilous Dark is much harder!


  1. Thanks for this Jon! Had the core book but appreciate the offer on DA

  2. Mad lads... MAD LADS! Wealth beyond measures but most importantly, good health to you all!

  3. Much obliged. It's been some time I wanted a taste of that game... Since I got it thanks to both you and Osprey, I'll have check Ghost Archipelago or the second edition.

  4. So many thanks for that!!!

  5. Nice, now I can print out the rulebook and save wear and tear on my hardback. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Code makes Frostgrave free (which I already have) but charges for Dark Alchemy

  8. I've bought them all and love the game will be sharing this on my social media so more of my friends join in on the fun.

  9. What a brilliant gesture!! Downloaded and shared on my blog.

  10. That right there is awesome!!!! Now I can get all my cheap friends to play.

  11. Joe, you're the best! I'll definitely give it a go.

  12. Items don't come up as free there is a $20 charge to this. Not sure where it is coming from. Would love to try it out and give a review.

    1. Did you insert the discount code?

    2. Only use the Osprey site for the Rulebook and Dark Alchemy. The code will give you them free. Download the Perilous Dark from Google Drive using the link above in the post.

  13. Thanks Joe! The Perilous Dark is one I haven't picked up yet - I look forward to reading!

  14. I'm not seeing a place to enter the discount code, unless it's at the very end of the transaction (after the grand total page and BUY NOW button).

    1. Oh, I see it now. It's on the first page of the checkout, bottom left.

    2. It's on the Shopping Basket/My Basket Page. You have to enter it there before going to Checkout.

  15. You really rock! i love this game! great for the scenarios

    sharing on Calabozo Criollo Networks!

    You deserve the most since most of your product is online, so you are really giving your work, lets make this promote more the game and thanks for your kidness.

  16. Extremely generous. Sadly, the code didn't work on all of it: the main rules and perilous dark ended up at zero price, but the Dark Alchemy pdf is still at $20 in my cart.

  17. It would not give Perilous dark for free using your code

  18. Thanks a bunch! Already have FG and GA from my FLGS, excited to try out the solo content! Also, we're anxiously awaiting 2nd ed. and Oathmark here in Albuquerque!

  19. Great gesture Joe. Much appreciated.

  20. The offer not working so totally pointless me trying

  21. not working for me. Osprey site discounts $17 usd but otherwise full price won't even cover the full price of the core book. I've entered the code - I don't understand what's wrong. even put the code in at last moment.

  22. First of all: Thank you very much!

    I already purchased Frostgrave PDF a few years ago, so tried the ePub and it seems the code works fine for ePub version, too. Don't know if this is intentional.

    Also, I've just purchased the full version of Perilous Dark, out of the enthusiasm for your initiative, and as a small way to say "thank you" :)

    Best wishes and stay safe!

    1. Many thanks, Gabriel. I hope it gives you some great gaming!

  23. Thank you, I’m really just a collector/painter, and don’t normally game, this will give me a chance to see if I like it.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I cann't get it to work, keeps coming up invalid :(

  26. That is a very fine and public spirited offer all credit to you Joe 👍 keep safe

  27. This is a kind and generous offer in these uncertain times.

  28. Thank you Osprey! You are excellent people :)

  29. Thank you very much for the offer. I can't find where to enter the FGV2020 code.

  30. Nice one Joe! Thank you Osprey! You folks are awesome. I love supporting you guys and look forward to doing so in the future. Wishing you all good health!

  31. Thanks! This is awesome.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Shared with all the Cerebral Hobbies crowd

  34. A clever move, and a gracious one. Hopefully you will pick up some new customers when 2e drops this summer.

    Speaking of 2e, any news on if it will be delayed?

    1. To early to tell. No one knows how this will play out in the publishing industry.

  35. Thank you very much! I haven't had the chance to explore this category of gaming before!

  36. Thank you much for this kind and generous offer, I have taken you up on it and can't wait to see what adventures await!

  37. I keep getting "The transaction registration could not be completed due to a missing or invalid parameter. Details: 4009 : The Amount including surcharge is outside the allowed range." when I try to checkout. Is this a US deal only because I'm shopping from Canada.

    1. I'm having the same problem in the US.

    2. Figured it out - at th3e Payment Information section, where it asks you for a payment method, you have to select "No payment information required", (on mobile, it isn't clear that this is a selectable option).

  38. It shouldn't be limited to anywhere. Try messaging Osprey if it isn't working.

  39. Hi, thank you very much!

  40. I was able to enter the code, create an account, and start checking out but then it says that the Frostgrave PDF is Out of Stock.

  41. PDF is Out of Stock? o_O

  42. A shame the offer is sold out. I can understand limiting it, as it is potentially a lot of lost profits. But i suspect that many others, like me would not buy this normally, but given a chance to try a free PDF version we might be tempted to buy a hardcopy if we like the game.

    1. Indeed - looked at it yesterday but when I went to take up the offer today it's out of stock. Never mind, lesson to take up offer quicker if it happens again

  43. it's not sold out, it must have been flooded with requests, I had trouble with it on Friday, but very early Monday morning, it has worked just fine! so have another go at it. Thanks to all - reading material is much appreciated right now with all that is going on.

  44. unfortunatley its not working for me either- just says that my address doesn't match the store i;m trying to buy from - i;m in uk so tried adding formthe links in the article, tried starting from scratch from within the osprey site, and tried uk, rest of the workd and usa sites - it always says my addres is wrong. perhaps just too busy. Not to worry, I have the Ghost Archipelago rules and I just thought i'd get these, but its not really a problem

    1. sorted now - I think osprey m,ay have done somethign to the back end - I reported it as an issue and it doens't now try to bump me out of uk at every stage. thanks Joe, thinking of Oathmark too now that its out, so many games, so little time! I thought i;d be painting and gaming for 3 months, but turns out there's actually a lot to do - did manage to make some of the paper buildings that have been in miniature wargames magazine with the kids as 'school work' though - so a sort of hobby win!

  45. man this website is rough. Constant time outs and I cant even get the USA version to load

    1. I think it really matters the time of day you try it. I've just done it and it worked fine.

  46. keeps saying address doesnt match store. tried numerous times. finally gave up...shame wanted to give this a try.

  47. For anyone having trouble downloading the books because of an error where it defaults to rest of world and says you need to use a different store because the address doesn't match store - I managed to get it to work by changing my shipping address country to vietnam instead of UK, then it went through fine!
    Hope that helps someone with the same error.

  48. Thank you so much Joe and Osprey! Because of this I am also buying the hardcovers. I wanted to support you guys! Thanks for being cool. Also, everyone check out Rangers of Shadow Deep if you haven't yet. Good solo tabletop stuff!

  49. Very generous of you, Thank You very much Sir!
