Monday, March 9, 2020

It's Not Easy Being Green!

In general, I dislike when people take childhood characters and put them in adult settings. I know it is all for fun, but mostly, I don’t find it funny. So, on the surface, a miniature of Kermit the Frog wielding a chainsaw should have no appeal.

But! While I’m sure this miniature was made with dark-comedy horror gaming in mind, that’s not how I see it. You see, I love the Muppets, always have. I think Jim Henson was a genius. I love Kermit the Frog…but as fans of Kermit know, that frog could lose his cool. In fact, he occasionally just completely flipped. Okay, not to the extent of grabbing a chainsaw and attacking people, but, consider if the source of his annoyance was a tree, or a log, or a piece of furniture...

I can honestly envision the scene where he comes flopping and flailing across screen, shouting his ‘aaaaaaaaa!’, with his chainsaw held high. All of the actual sawing would occur off-screen, possibly with saw-dust spraying into the shot.

Anyway, the figure was a gift. It made me smile, and I had fun painting it.


  1. Definitely with sawdust spraying into the shot.

  2. Be great to have the Great Gonzo, the Swedish Chef and other memorable Muppet characters done up as fantasy figures for FrostGrave or, ROSD ��

  3. I actually heard his voice screaming as I read your post! I love it!
