Friday, May 28, 2021

No Life-Signs...


For my second Stargrave figure, I wanted to see if I could paint up an Aliens-esque colonial marine. I think the answer to that is a 'affirmative'! This guy is mostly made from the Mercenaries box, though his arms might come from the Troopers box, I can't quite remember. One of the great things about these figures is the depth of the detail. Not only does this make them a real joy to paint, but it makes it very easy to add a bit of scraping and battle damage to the armour, as I did rather liberally on this guy.

I'm planning on making up a small squad of these guys.

This photograph is also a hint towards and article I was working on last week... coming sometime in the future in Wargames Illustrated!


  1. I see codpieces are making a comeback

  2. His helmet reminds me of a green m&m! Which is a positive thing, I just like the sheen next to the wear and tear, it feels very solid and real.

  3. Sweet! Getting a WI prime subscription was the best move I've made in years. Can't wait to read it.

  4. Really like that paint job on the marine, nice colour scheme and the effect on the armour is great.

  5. Great couple of miniatures - the paint jobs really make them.

  6. Looks great. I am liking the new SG kits more and more. May have to grab the mercs set and have a play.
