Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Only Diet Soda?


Even colonial marines get thirsty! These are the last two miniatures I have completed. The one on the left is the second of the colonial marines I'm assembling from the Stargrave plastic box sets. The other is a soda machine from Reaper miniature's Bones line. 

I love little pieces like the soda machine. I mean, it can either be some kind of special loot token or objective in a Stargrave game, or it can just be a bit of scatter terrain. 


  1. I really need to break open my big box of Stargrave from Northstar Miniatures and start kitbashing them with my Frostgrave and Ghost Archipelago kits.

  2. New Stargrave scenario - save the soda!

  3. Get me a blue one! that's my favorite flavor.

  4. Great little piece for various play purposes! Love it!

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