Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Continuing the Stargrave Muster


I’m still having fun with the new Stargrave plastics. Here’s the latest couple of figures I’ve completed. First up, I’ve added some firepower to my colonial marines with a squad support weapon. I used a head from the Frostgrave Demons box on this guy to go with a body from the Stargrave Mercenaries and the arms from the Stargrave Troopers. It’s nice to get a little more species-diversity into my squad!

The second figure is a straight-build form the Troopers box. I want to paint up a handful of these guys to use as pirates or other generic-bad guys. I went with blue armour because it contrasts nicely with pretty much all the other science-fiction troops I have. I love the uncomplicated look of this trooper, but thought it needed just a bit more detail to provide visual interest, so I painted some teeth on his helmet and left thigh-guard. Also makes him look just a bit tougher.

In other news, I have scheduled my first game of Frostgrave in over a year! Lockdowns have obviously made wargaming with friends extremely difficult here in southern England, but life is opening-up again. This will actually mark the first time I’ve ever played Second Edition purely for fun. It’s still a few weeks off, but I’ll hopefully have some photos to share afterwards.


  1. I love the Northstar kits because this very easy kitbashing! Your paintjob is really nice, the visor is awesome.

  2. Great couple of figures there! Looking forward to your Frostgrave AAR.

  3. The demon head works great. I like it very much.

  4. Nice work. That chap with the demon head reminds me of the Mos Eisley cantina.

  5. Those are a fun couple of minis.
