Monday, February 20, 2023

Silent Death: The Ptolemean Wars: Scenario 6.3


After a slow start to the year, I finally got back to the gaming table with the third scenario of the Ptolemean Wars for my favourite space fighter game, Silent Death

Actually, this was probably the best game of SD I've played in ages. The scenario was very well constructed and consists of several waves of fighters entering the table, before I had to make an attack run with my two torpedo boats against some (off screen) capital ships.

After a bit of back and forth dog-fighting, I was feeling good as my two 'Revenges', carrying their torpedo load, enter the table. I still had three medium fighters in support, while my opponent was down to one battered heavy fighter and another newly arrived heavy fighter. While he still had serious firepower, I didn't think he had enough ships to contain me. Then, the unthinkable happened. My opponent fired his last four torpedoes at one of my Revenges. I launched a decoy, but it only managed to divert one torp. That still left my point defence systems with a 60% chance to take out each one. Of course, my dice failed, and all three got through. I expected to take a major hit, but my heart sank when I took a critical engine hit, leaving the Revenge unable to move!

This actually led to an interesting situation. Since the Revenge couldn't move, it had no reason to preserve its torpedo load and launched all of them at the oncoming heavy fighter, which was obliterated in a cataclysmic strike. This allowed my other Revenge to make it safely across.

I didn't bother to count up the exact victory points, but we called it a draw since one Revenge made it and the other didn't. 

Fantastic scenario. A real show piece for the system, and I can't wait to get into Scenario 4!

I did suffer a few 'casualties' during the game as I snapped some fighters off their stands. All too easy to do. But we'll get the mechanics on it, and get those fighters back out there!


  1. Ah, Hexagons; the true scientific measure of space 👍

  2. Using magnets on the flight stands is a good option, I did it with most of my X-Wing minis. No more snapped flight stands!

  3. Do you have a source for the Ptolemy Wars scenarios? I have never found one. Nice to see Silent Death played, locally we were scheduled for it in March or April.

    1. Afraid not. I just happen to have the original books from back in the day. They don't seem to have released the first edition stuff to DriveThruRPG.

  4. Sadly the first edition stuff is not in anything I have found. Unattainable property is always the most desired.

  5. Beautifully painted miniatures. Hope to see more SD battle reports.
