Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Winter Guard


I recently finished painting the Crimson Dynamo, which also means I have finished painting all of the Winter Guard (at least as have been released for Marvel Crisis Protocol). These guys all came from my local gaming store, and I had a blast painting all of them. I wasn't sure about Dynamo, since he's basically a big hunk of red metal, but it actually gave me a bit of practice at highlighting red, which can be difficult. Essentially, instead of mixing white into the layers, I used orange. The effect is subtle, but noticeable. 

On the comic book front, the publisher Panini is now releasing monthly collections of Marvel Comics, that appear in Sainsburys and W.H. Smiths. Each collection contains 6 or 7 issues, revolving around one hero/team/theme. I have greatly enjoyed the ones I have picked up, as the issues contained have clearly been chosen with care. Not every month focuses on a subject that interests me, but for £10 I'm willing to give most of them a try. It's a nice, low-commitment way to read Marvel comics.


  1. These look fantastic! I would really love to see a supers game from you sometime! I've been playing the 'graves for years now, and super-heroes with those rules would be fun! Regardless, thanks for all you do, I'm glad you get time to still work on minis!

  2. Nice and clean! You might try finding the Marvel Epic Collections. They are trade paperbacks reprinting all the old Marvel comics. They are getting close to covering everything from the 60s to the 90s.

  3. Wow! Those look great. Like they are straight off the page of a comic book. I would really like a chonky Titanium Man mini.

  4. It's so odd to see three characters with stable stances in this team. Usually MCP figures seems to have the more wonky connections to the base. I like what you did with Ursa Major.

  5. Joe, winter guard versus daleks! I wanna see it!

  6. Undercoating your highlights with the brightest yellow you have and then layering red over it can work well too.
