Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Free Growth Potion

As a little 'thank you' to all the fans who have supported my work over the last year or so, I present this 'Growth Potion'. It can be used for Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago, Rangers of Shadow Deep, and even Stargrave (though you might not call it a potion for that game!). I even had a couple of friends turn it into an attractive card which you can download and print off. You can download your free Growth Potion Card here: GrowthPotion_card 

Since I've got your attention, I thought this might be a good time to review some of the stuff I have put out recently. First off, hopefully you've seen my creator-zine, Old Bones. This self-published, PDF or print-on-demand magazine contains little bits and pieces for all of my games, including new rules, scenarios, magic items, monsters, etc. If you play any of my games, it should have something for you. You can buy Issue 1 and Issue 2 on DriveThruRPG now.

Although it was a while ago now, I'm still pretty happy and excited about Grave Mutations, my unofficial supplement for Frostgrave (that can also be used for Stargrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep, and Ghost Archipelago with a little imagination). This book is basically just a single d1,000 mutation table with everything from body spikes, and explosive sneezes, through extra-long arms, and blinding auras. With a beautiful cover by aRu-Mor and hilarious interior artwork by Barrett Stanley, its a fun, if somewhat esoteric, addition to the game. 

The latest release for Stargrave was Side Hustle, a deck of 40 cards which add a load of depth to individual scenarios. Essentially, each player draws a card before the game, which gives them a secret mission/side quest/side hustle to try to complete during the game. Most of these are kept secret from your opponents, but that doesn't mean that what you are trying to do won't conflict with what they are. What I really like about these cards is how they layer on top of existing material, bringing fresh twists to classic scenarios and increasing the narrative.

In terms of official Frostgrave, Osprey Games has just released Wildwoods! This chunky new supplement is basically my 'Wilderness Survival Guide' for Frostgrave. It has rules for playing in the different types of terrain that surround the Frozen City. It also has a system for keeping track of your warband's supplies when journeying in the wilderness, including rules for cargo transports. Add in a bunch of new monsters, scenarios, and magic items, and its a pretty hefty expansion to the core game! 

Although it took awhile, I did manage to write a supplement for The Silver Bayonet! Osprey Publishing recently released The Silver Bayonet: Carpathians: Castle Fier. This supplement is kind of my love letter to Dracula, and includes both competitive and solo scenarios, as well as new soldiers and monsters. It's short, sweet, and bloody! For Rangers of Shadow Deep, I finally released Tenebrous Citadel, the third and final part of The Rescue Trilogy. Put together, those three books form the largest campaign I have ever written for any game. It ends with a show-down like no other I have written. It's a climatic end to a desperate adventure! 

The best news, perhaps, is that there is more to come for all of those games! I have written another supplement for Stargrave and The Silver Bayonet, and I'm currently talking to Osprey about another Frostgrave book. Meanwhile, there is another Rangers of Shadow Deep project in advanced stages. So keep your eyes open, I'll talk more about some of those soon!


  1. That’s quite a lot and also great to hear there’s more to come! Particularly excited for the Rangers content; I thought from your foreword on Tenebrous Citadel it sounded as if there would be a longer break until the next Rangers expansion

    Any tasty morsels for us for Oathmark?

    A Rangers of Shadow Deep/Oathmark crossover would be the dream. An Oathmark expansion on fighting the wider war between Alladore and the Shadow Deep with army lists for each faction and scenarios

    1. Well, I thought there was going to be a longer break too, but what's next is a bit different. Oathmark and Rangers don't mesh that well due to ownership issues.

  2. Is the text cut off at the end of the potion card? Or is the sentence 'lesser potions with a' supposed to be completed by the cost?

    1. The sentence is just completed by the words in bold.

  3. Always love the content, as a suggestion I'd really like you to expand oathmark and turn it into something more. Just feels like a lot of wasted potential for
    Getting people into alternative mass battle games having more balance and factions like the gnolls/snakemen.

    1. Oathmark is owned by Osprey, so ultimately it is up to them if they want to expand it in that direction.

  4. Excellent! I love all of these creations of yours. Your solo adventures are great. Another Ghost Archipelago book would be most appreciated.

    1. No book on the horizon, but Old Bones 3, will be bringing a bit of Ghost Archipelago action.

    2. Very cool stuff all round!!

  5. I've got all the new stuff order and awaiting delivery.

  6. the Old Bones zines are great-- looking forward to new issues coming out!

  7. The Tenebrous Citadel could do with some more love: Part 2 is particularly exciting as you need to juggle completing tasks, battling formidable foes, and time constraints as fumes threaten to suffocate the heroes. A satisfying conclusion to the first phase of the war. One further adventure, "Treason at the Cascades" is hinted at, as we know the magical academy has a traitor, and an attack is planned. A campaign taking inspiration from the (best) 3E D&D adventure Red Hand of Doom would also be welcome: as a formidable army approaches, heroes could disrupt its progress, make surgical strikes, recruit allies, etc. Then a climatic final battle, with bonuses/penalties and resources according to how well they did.
