Friday, July 7, 2023

The Power Generator!


On my return from taking the kids to school the other day, I saw half of a plastic Hubba Bubba gum container lying by the road. Doing my bit for the planet, I decided to recycle it.

I started by pealing the stickers off the side, which thankfully wasn't too tough. I then cut off a little lip on one side to get it to lie flat. I glued it onto a piece of cardboard, covered the rest of the cardboard in little rocks, and sprayed the whole thing in a neutral, industrial grey. I then gave it a brown wash and haphazardly applied two layers of lighter greys, to give it an old, worn appearance. Finally, I stuck on a few tufts of grass for a touch of colour, shot it with varnish, and called it done. 

To me, it looks like part of the famous 'power generator' from The Empire Strikes Back, so that's what I'm calling it. Really, it could be any old piece of machinery. It makes a nice bit of scatter terrain and works well with the rough colony I'm assembling for my Dropship Down project. 

I also finished up another trooper for the Colonial Marines, this one assembled from the Stargrave: Mercenaries II box set.

There is an important lesson here - I probably had as much fun making this terrain out of a bubble gum container as I do with most sets I buy...


  1. The plastic around Easter Eggs are often great for terrain too! Great job, both for cleaning the planet and good piece of terrain :)

  2. The Hubba Bubba Generator is a classic; providing power to colonies across human space.

    1. In contrast to Big League Chew envelopes that only serve to fill landfills.

  3. Some of my favourite terrain peices are the cobbled together ones.

  4. Hello, I just entered this block, I have several Stargrave supplements, and since you're talking about children, I have two, the cooperative campaigns are raised with Captain and 1 Officer, is there any way to play 3 or more people in cooperative?

  5. Terrific terrain piece! I've been thinking about creating a campaign with colonial marines and alien bugs using Quarantine 37, and tweaking the Rangers of the Shadow Deep rules for Stargrave. It would be totally awesome if the actual author could make it happen! 😬
