Monday, April 29, 2024

I'm Not Going to Paint HeroQuest

I told myself I wasn't going to paint the HeroQuest figures. My family is already using some Reaper figures I painted up for our heroes, and there were just too many monsters and furniture to be worth the time...

I was looking at that mummy figure, and I thought, I'll bet I can basically paint him with a wash. So I sprayed him white, gave him a heavy wash of Army Painter Mid-Brown, and then picked out the fleshier areas with Army Painter Pallid Bone contrast paint. Then I painted the base grey. That's it, four paints and it came out looking pretty good. 

So then I thought I might try a skeleton. He's mostly contrast paints and washes too. It probably took me about 1/4 of the time it usually takes me to paint a figure. Well, it doesn't make much sense to just paint two figures in the game... so I guess I'm committed to painting them all now!


  1. Keep listening to the voices, they always know best!!!

  2. Think of your kids, if they love the game unpainted, think how much more they will love it with painted figures ;)

  3. Those are looking pretty grand sweet.

  4. This is how Warhammer fantasy started for me when this game was released the first time.
