Monday, April 15, 2024

Salute 2024


Despite my slightly uncomfortable look in the photo, I had a fantastic time at Salute, 2024. The Osprey Games crew treated me fantastically, as they always do, and we shared many laughs as well as interesting discussions about games and life.

My hot new product for the show was The Silver Bayonet: Egypt. Apparently a shipment arrived just in time to be available at the show a week or so early. They proved rather popular, and I spent a lot of my day signing books and chatting with fans.

Also new on the stand was the Stargrave: Scavengers II box set. I brought one of these home myself. 

The show seemed extremely well-attended this year - certainly the best in years, if not ever, and the atmosphere was wonderful. I'm already looking forward to next year!


  1. Was so great to meet you and I can't wait to try out my first game of Silver Bayonet, thanks for signing it!

    Agree best show so far for sure

  2. Overlord Abingdon is the best show so far this year. Salute is just horrid to attend.

    1. I do miss Overlord, from when I lived in Oxford.

  3. It must be a great feeling to be able to look around a show hall and go, "Hey, there's my mini range!"
