Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Man-at-Arms of Alladore

Later this week, I’m going to write a post about selecting companions for your ranger in Rangers of Shadow Deep, but in the meantime, I need to paint a few!

Here is my first effort, a simple man-at-arms. This figure is built using parts from the new Oathmark Human Infantry box, except for the head, which comes from the Ghost Archipelago Crew set.

While I am biased, I’ve got to say I love the simplicity of the Oathmark set. It really is the plastic humans I’ve been waiting for. That said, I think the switch to the Ghost Archipelago head gives the figure a much more veteran look. He’s more of an adventurer than a straight soldier.

On his shield I’ve painted the Silver Star of Alladore. Alladore is the name of the kingdom that now stands on the brink of The Shadow Deep (although players are free to use their own kingdom if they prefer). I’m not much of a freehand painter, but I think the star came out okay.


  1. I didn't knew the Oathmark minis. Are there just a special range belonging / produced by Northstar ?

    1. They are a newish, major range being co-produced by North Star and Osprey Games, so far there are 4 plastic box sets (goblins, orcs, dwarves, humans) and a handful of metal figures, with a lot more planned.

  2. I've got the Oathmark human infantry on the queue. Right now I have just finished off the Frostgrave humans. Wow, they are very detailed, almost too much. Each figure has multiple tunics, hoods, scarves, pouches, belts, satchels, weapons, etc. There are a hundred things to paint on each one!

    1. I like the Frostgrave ones, but I must admit, as I get old and the eyes get a little worse, I'm liking my minis to have less detail!

    2. Eye magnifiers and a very large daylight lamp needed
