Monday, September 24, 2018

Songbird Treasure Token

Believe it or not, this is a Frostgrave treasure token. It was produced to go with a specific scenario in The Maze of Malcor (set in an aviary) and given away to those who purchased the book through North Star. It has since been unavailable, but rumour says it will return with The Maze of Malcor figure Nickstarter that is coming in the next week or two.

I painted mine up last week, although I must admit, I wanted it more for my Ghost Archipelago table than my Frostgrave one. It’s just such a lovely little piece of scatter terrain. (That’s hard cover for any figure standing right behind it!)

I loved painting the head and the creeping vines, but I hated painting the songbird. I made two attempts to paint it in multi-colours based on real songbirds, and both attempts were dismal failures. With the paint starting to get a little thick on it, I gave up and just painted the whole thing a pinky-purple with a yellow beak. I think it works, though I’d love to see what someone like Kev Dallimore could do with it.

My daughter wandered into my office while I was painting it and declared,‘See, you do have pink!’ I don’t think I had ever denied this – although, for the record it is Vallejo Magenta…


  1. The magenta (cough, pink) is a good contrast to the rest of the piece and calls your attention straight to it. So I think it works well.

  2. I really like the bird. It looks great.

    Be careful letting your littles know where your paints and brushes are. I once ended up with a unit of lavender wargs for LoTR, courtesy of my then 6 year old. I did have to admit the coverage was excellent, if not a little thick.

  3. Pink was a nice idea though, bringing some color but not catching the eye too much.

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