Monday, September 3, 2018

New Ghost Archipelago Crew – In Progress

When Ghost Archipelago was first released, about a year ago, I painted up my first dedicated crew, led by the mighty Heritor, Collandra, known to all as ‘Big Red’. While I enjoyed playing with that crew, I was never completely happy with it. Thus, amidst all of my other painting projects, I have slowly been assembling Collandra’s new crew.

I started out with a new version of Collandra. Now that she’s a bit more experienced, and got a bit of money, she’s decided to dress a bit better. Plus, I decided I would use the colour blue as a unifying them for the crew. So far, I've painted half of them.

I’m still deciding on the rest of the crew, but I think I’m going to say that in her travels she befriended a group of snake-men outcasts. I really want to use the snake-man herbalist as my Warden, and one of the snake-men Heritors as a scout.

In the meantime, here is the first half of the crew investigating some jungle ruins, and finding more than they bargained for! The scenery is by Things from the Basement. They do a lot of MDF terrain themed for Frostgrave and Ghost Archipelago in their ‘Buildings on a Budget’ range. They are really nice pieces.

The hyper-cool matt is from Cigar Box Battles. It took me a while to get to use this matt, as on its arrival, it got swiped by my wife and kids to play with dinosaurs. Then, it spent a long time in the living room serving as the blanket for the sofa. I’m not kidding, the matt is actually that large, comfortable and warm. It is also double-sided, and looks fantastic.

I’m sure Collandra and crew will have no problem with a few stray zombies, but she’d going to need some more help if she’s going to continuing venturing deep in the Archipelago!


  1. "It took me a while to get to use this matt, as on its arrival, it got swiped by my wife and kids to play with dinosaurs."

    My battlemats spend a lot of time covered in plastic dinosaurs, farm animals, My LIttle Ponies and Num Noms so I feel the pain :D

    That scenery (and the crew!) looks great.


    1. Cigar Box Battles really should look into marketing it as a children's play matt as well!

    2. If it's play-doh and biscuit resistant they'd be a shoe in :D

    3. Yes, smallest ones have pinched my battle-mat as well.

  2. Atmospheric and beautiful terrain!

  3. new crew looking great - like the idea of a unifying colour. Might have to nick that.
    and that mat does look great, must say.
    looking forward to more posts from you regarding Ghost Archipelago.
