Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Itsy Bitsy vs. Incy Wincy

One of the best parts about fatherhood is that you can steal your children’s toys. For example, for Halloween my son was given a bag of plastic creepy-crawlies. Since the spiders were obvious choking hazards (and perfect for 28mm), I confiscated them. Of course, not wanting to make the world worse by adding more plastic to the landfill, I decided to recycle them.

I gave them each a very quick paint job, just a base and a couple of dry-brush layers, and they were ready to go. Considering they are poor quality, I didn’t spend much time on them, and they were essentially free, I think they look darn good.

These guys are going to be a constant menace in both Rangers of Shadow Deep and Frostgrave!

As for the title of the blog - did you know that the famous spider-up-the-water-spout nursery rhyme features a different spider depending on if you are in the US or the UK? Yup, he’s Itsy Bitsy in the US and Incy Wincy in the UK. How does that happen?


  1. I thought you were waxing lyrical about yellow polka dot bikini's when I first read the title !!!! I'm on an economy drive are these spiders available from the larger stores or was it just a lucky find?

  2. I think they came from Sainsburys, but really check out the pounds shops.

  3. Spot on will have a look in Sainsburys for some.

  4. Nice or nasty depending on your view point, i too have a bag of spiders should I ever need a large giant spider army 🤔

  5. Go Spiders! /University of Richmond (Virginia) Grad
