Monday, November 26, 2018

Writing a Wargame: Idea to Publication

On Saturday, I'll be in London for Dragonmeet. If you have never been, this is a great little convention. It is mostly centred around role-playing, but has slowly expanded to cover some wargaming and board gaming as well. I have been for the past 7 or 8 years and it has been great to watch it grow.

This year, though, is going to be a first for me. For the first time, I will be running a seminar under the title ‘Writing a Wargame: Idea to Publication’. I’ll be drawing on my own experience from writing several wargames, including Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep, and Oathmark, but also from being closely involved in the publication process of numerous wargames from Osprey.

So, if you are attending Dragonmeet this week, please come and join me at noon in the seminar room!


  1. Thanks for the seminar. Was my personal highlight of Dragonmeet this year! Rangers of the Shadow Deep is ordered now as well. Looks like your Marketing worked...

  2. Thanks for sharing your valuable thoughts with us & our readers
