Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Rangers of Shadow Deep – Print on Demand is Live!

For those of you who have been waiting for a print copy of Rangers of Shadow Deep to be available – the wait is over!

You can now buy a copy of the print on demand addition at RPGNow!

For those of you who have already bought the PDF, I have emailed a discount code, so you can get it at a reduced price. If you have opted out of RPGNow emails, then get in touch and we will sort out the discount.

I admit it, it is pretty special to hold Rangers of Shadow Deep in my hands as a proper, on-paper, book!

[We are working on a hardback version of the book as well, but this is proving somewhat trickier. Watch this space.]

Note, this is also a good chance to pick up the print editions of Spellcaster Magazine 1, 2 and 3!


  1. Pimp that product !!!! Christmas is coming too !!!!

  2. Bought! Reading the PDF now. Love the look.

  3. Excellent. How does PoD work if you're in the UK Joe?

    1. They have a UK printer. Mine came in less than a week and looks good.

  4. Just saw the mail and ordered it immediately. Thanks a lot!
    I also ordered me a bunch of 15mm fantasy stuff from AA and hope start exploring the Shadow Deep in the near future.

  5. Nice. Just picked it up.

  6. This looks superb and it'll be an early xmas present to myself. Given that Rangers is a co-op/solo game, are there any plans to port that aspect over to Frostgrave as I know it's something which has been requested for ages now?

  7. Oh, I've seen that the POD seems to be black and white (it says B&W in the title). Is this correct and how much of the book is colour anyway?

    1. The entire book (except the cover) is black and white. All of the artwork was black and white to begin with.

  8. I've read through the PDF a few times now and I have to say this looks like it' going to be great fun and it is really clear a lot of thought has gone into it. Will any electronic resources like a QR sheet or a Ranger sheet be available in PDF somewhere other than Facebook? Nice job again Joe!

    1. I'll see about getting them up somewhere I can link to from the blog.

  9. I have just purchased it! :)
    I will do a report when received! :)

  10. Goddamit i've been looking for a game like this for years and i love everything except for one single reason, which for me, is a big one: They're rangers. To me personally, they were always the most bland, plain and boring class of all RPGs. I hate them lmao. Wish you could roll a Barbarian, or a Viking-like Warrior or maybe a Dark Necromancer, perhaps a Holy Knight archetype...but ranger as a theme and as a class is just completely unapealling to me.
    Can i hope for a module or an expansion, or perphaps a whole new game with any of those possibilities?

    1. From what I’ve read, the “ranger” isn’t a class so much as a description of what they do ie range about hunting monsters. The rules do seem to allow you to build different types using traits to flesh them out. So I’d say you could have Sir Gilbert the Paladin, ranger of Shadow deep.

    2. Yup, 'Ranger' is just their job. You could easily make a barbarian / shining night / thief / wizard to be your ranger.
