Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A New Miniatures Project!

As this year limps toward a close, I must admit, I'm feeling a kind of gamer angst - a pent up energy that should have been used rolling dice, pushing around figures, and hanging out with friends. Since that doesn't look like it is going to change in the near future, I've had to take a different approach. Instead, I've decided its time to start a new army!

Now, the decision on which army was greatly influenced by my desire to do something that is completely unrelated to my work. After much thinking, I decided I would begin work on a faux-Napoleonic army! By which I mean, I'm going to use Napoleonic figures, but I'm not trying to construct a historical force. Instead, I plan to create my own country for them. In wargaming, this is sometimes called an Imagi-Nation, although those are still normally placed within a historical context, where mine is going to sit outside of any specific context. Basically, I just want to paint up a big force of cool looking toy soldiers that I can use for any number of games. In the future, I hope to see these guys taking on other Napoleonic-esque foes, gunning down zombies, and fighting aliens on far flung worlds. Basically, I want to just have fun with it, and not worry too much about what they are 'for'.

I've decided this will be my big project for 2021 (though I'm getting an early start). My goal is to complete at least 8 units by the end of next year. At the moment, I plan on:

3 Units of Infantry (16 figures each)

2 Units of Cavalry (8 Figures each)

2 Units of Artillery (1 gun and 4+ figures each)

1 Command Element (Whatever I feel like)

It's a big ask, but I'm giving myself plenty of time! Nor am I above changing that alignment as I go along. In fact, I've already changed it once.

My plan is to use mostly Front Rank figures. These have a lot of advantages for me over other manufacturers. They are all metal. They are sized a bit bigger than most, making them easier on the eyes. They all fit on penny bases, and, perhaps best of all, all of the figures can be bought individually. They are also just really nice.

As you can see from the photo, I've already gotten started on the first unit. I'll provide some better photos soon.

This project isn't just about painting minis though. While the army isn't a true Napoleonic force, I am also planning on doing a lot of Napoleonic warfare reading this year. To begin, I have obtained a copy of The Campaigns of Napoleon (in 3 volumes)!

Also, to gear myself for this big project, I re-read Dave Taylor's Armies & Legions & Hordes, which is all about tackling big miniature projects. 


  1. Wonderful idea Joe! I've only ever heard of people do Imagi-Nations for 18th/17th Century armies so I shall follow your progress with interest!

    1. I suppose that's the period that makes more sense historically, because you have more shifting small nations in Europe, but I'm in it for the cool uniforms!

    2. Yeah the Napoleonic period had vastly better variety uniform wise and all the different nations too.

  2. I love imagi-nations, although mine are quasi-historical. My existing ones are based upon Syldavia and Borduria from the Tintin stories and, as well I am working on a back-story for an imaginary smallish 17th century North German state called Orangenland, which will be used for things like Pikeman's Lament.

    I'll be interested to see how your project unfolds.

    1. They really open up a lot of additional aspects to the hobby!

  3. I hope you're happy with the fact that your photo is making many Napoleonic wargamers uncomfortable.

  4. Always great to start a new project! Another bonus to this project is that you could easily use them in an existing system called Flintloque! which uses fantasy races with a napoleonic flair!

    1. have you guys ever seen the mass battle version of flintloque called "slaughterloo" its one of the best most atmospheric napoleonic games i have ever played

  5. I'm sure you'll find some use for these guys and their SILVER BAYONETs...

  6. LOVE the helmets on those guys! Perfect for a Victorian-era expedition to Mars, if you ask me!

  7. Best wishes for your new Notquite Napoleonic project. Always good to invent a Forgotten Minor State from the Napoleonic era as a (field) exercise in the Imagi-Nations, like I have done here with scrap figures:

  8. I have had loads of fun with my imagination The Duchy of Tradgardland which crops up in many times but began as a mid 17th Century state. I hope you do too!

  9. Good luck with the project, Joe. Will follow with interest. I've always veered between "strictly historical" Napoleonics and "imaginations Naps". Currently I'm building a Spanish army, but it's made up of units with the most attractive, historical, uniforms which would almost certainly never have fought alongside each other in reality. So, more power to your painting elbow!

  10. Have fun with the new project. From time to time I am thinking about combining historical figures with pulp and fantasy elements. Like in Dr.Who, Time Tunnel, The Time Machine and Star Trek of course where they embedded a lot of history stuff as we all know (because it was there and cheap). You may have found now a second use for your fantasy miniatures(?) - and a good excuse to look into some other directions... a project like that has nearly no boundaries and room enough for any kind of creativity. I'm curious what will become of it.

  11. Wow! Painting a sizable force of Notpoleonics is a task and a half. I'm tempted by some of the grim-dark quasi-historical/fantasy/sci-fi minis that people are making; Knucklebones Miniatures is a great example of this "Turnip28" style of fun.

  12. Two nicely painted figures is all it took to send me into imagination campaign planning. I fear my Anglo Saxon Vikings are lost for a while - the 19th century beckons!

    1. Hi - i just posted my "the wargaming erratic" wordpress blog the consequences of reading other gamers blogposts :)

      I mentioned a couple of old napoleonic era books I really like .

      so thank you for your post :) I am on a new journey.....Norber

  13. Brilliant work truly inspired in my mind 👏 I look forward to the next update...
