Friday, December 18, 2020

A-wing Fighter

For a miniature gamer, watching a great show like The Mandalorian can be dangerous. I mean, how many times has that show caused me to look at Star Wars: Legion figures? How many times have I come close to buying? Now, there is nothing specifically wrong with Star Wars: Legion figures - in fact, they are some really nice minis, but I had already decided I wasn't going to get too involved with them. Mainly its the issue of scale. They are just too large to fit with any of my other minis. But also - I've got my own space game coming out in 4 months with its own line of miniatures!

So, I compromised with myself. Instead of buying some Legion minis, I bought a Star Wars model that I knew I'd be able to use for Stargrave. This is an A-wing model from Revell. It's 1/44 scale, which actually makes it near perfect for Legion, ironically, but also close enough to 28mm for my tastes. It's snap-together, and its pre-painted! It even makes irritating noises (or did, until I pulled the batteries out!). 

In fact, after a quick assembly, all I did was hit it with a heavy black wash and varnish.  It's not proper Star Wars without the grime! 

Here it is straight from the factory.

Sorry I didn't have time to take some better photos. Things are a bit complicated in the covid hotspot that is Kent at the moment.


  1. Cool that it works for both scales. I was convinced you had the scale of the A-Wing wrong until I looked at pics online. Not being familiar with the ship I wasn't aware that more than half the space enclosed by the canopy contains other systems besides the pilot and controls. Personally, I don't like to miz SWU stuff with my other sci fi games unless its too obscure to be immediately recognizable but "you do you" and it sure is a great piece after you gave it that ink wash.

  2. That black wash really made the details pop and gave the toy a proper model look. Thanks for the pointer to the kit.

    1. Just having a look on Amazon, it is a shame that the U Wing appears to be a smaller scale :( Also, where the heck are all the Razor Crest models? I'd have though that someone other than Lego would have brought out a cool model by now.

    2. I have heard that the U-wing toy (action figure scale) works great for 28-32mm, though I haven't investigated myself.

    3. Aaah, the Razor Crests are all STL files so you can print your own with any amount of detail (incl interiors in some of them). You'll have to get yourself a 3D printer.

  3. As I have already purchased Stargrave and await the release, I too have curtailed the Star Wars Legion purchases. . .of figures anyway

  4. Oooh, that's nice. and a nice price too...

  5. Whoops! Glad you mentioned that about the SW:L figures. I was thinking of using them for a Stargrave crew but yeah, they're hulking giants! Oh well...

  6. I'm enjoying the tabletop series on v2 frostgrave. They're doing a great job promoting and explaining the game. Saw your Red King interview this evening, the campaign looks really interesting, certainly ideas that can be used in both other frostgrave and other tabletop systems. Good job, happy Christmas and best for 2021

  7. This is probably a silly question, but is there any reason my Ultramarines wouldn't work in Stargrave? Surely there is a place for hulking, genetically engineered enforcers in the game?

    1. There is a place, though don't expect to field a full squad of them as your team! (unless you are willing to have them play a bit below Space Marine expectations).

  8. ...and ordered.
    I believe the snowspeeder is also a good size for 28mm figures.
    Revell have a 1/72nd Razorcrest coming out later this year.
