Thursday, December 17, 2020

Battletech Warhammer & Rifleman


So, in the end, I did actually back the Battletech kickstarter, though only at a very minor level. I ordered two lances of mechs (8 minis total). I knew I would enjoy them when I got them, but also that it wouldn't overload me. Anyway, I have just painted up the first 2 to join my Firehawks Legion. 

There is nothing particularly fancy about the paint jobs for these guys. I did hand-paint all of the little black lines on them, as I think it really makes them pop better than I can manage with an ink or. I suppose it would be a tedious task if I were painting a lot of them, but it doesn't really take that long when doing one or two.  

I think these are great minis. Certainly the best official minis that Battletech has ever had.


  1. These look great. I haven't played Battletech for many, many years (probably the 80s!) but I've seen quite a bit popping up lately and it's got me thinking it might be time to have another look.

    1. If you are more of a mini-gamer, I would suggest checking out the Alpha Strike rules.

    2. We mostly play Alpha Strike now - still crunchy enough to taste of Battletech, but fast enough we can do a reinforced Company a side scrap in a club night!

      The new sculpts for AGOAC onwards are lovely, AND consistently sized against each other, praise the GNU.


  2. I'm pumped you got to paint them! AND it means when the world starts moving again we can play Battletech! :D

  3. Have the Warriors of Athena disbanded or have the Moirai sent them from the mortal plane?

    1. Its moved further down the priority chain for the moment, but it's still in queue!
