Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Genestealer Hybrids (and 2023 Review!)


Here's the last three miniatures I completed in 2023 - a trio of 'homemade' genestealer hybrids. I want a complete set of the genestealer hybrids that can appear during Space Hulk games, but I didn't fancy paying the price to get either the classic or the modern models. So, I decided to use what I've got -  a box of Stargrave Scavengers and a few left over genestealer bits. Thankfully, the scavengers box includes a few heads that work great for hybrids (including one zombified version which I used for the magus in the middle). I'll need about a dozen of these guys all together, but I'm not in a huge rush.

These capped off a year in which I painted 104 models - down a bit from last year's 116 - but still a pretty good tally! Once again, those models are spread all over the genre map. 20 of them were genestealers or hybrids. Another 29 were science-fiction, including my new Stargrave crew and a bunch of Colonial Marines. A few were for The Lord of the Rings, as I finally finished up my Fellowship of the Ring. This doesn't count the 12 figures I painted for my slowly growing Dol Amroth army.  Another 8 were for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. 

I've got a couple of projects I'd like to finish in 2024: Those hybrids I mentioned, phase 1 of my Dol Amroth army, and that set of Warcry terrain that has been hanging around for too long. But, I'm also going to try and not worry about it too much. I like hopping around, depending on my mood, and as long as I don't buy too much for anyone project at any one time, I don't see this as being a problem. In truth, I'd rather spend a bit more time this year getting minis onto the gaming table than getting them off the painting desk!