Monday, January 22, 2024

Monkey Slush

 It was said that 10,000 monkeys, typing on 10,000 typewriters, would eventually produce Shakespeare. ‘Artificial Intelligence’ may prove this true. What isn’t said is that 10,000 humans would have to read this mountainous pile of monkey-slush, almost of all of which will be closer to shake-poo than Shakespeare. Ask yourself, do you really want to be a monkey poo reader?


  1. Ah, you're supposing that the audience in your thought excerise can actually tell the difference between Shakespear and monkey poo in the first place. Given our lack of expereince with Iambic Pentameter, perhaps we might struggle more we'd like to admit.

  2. ChatGTP, please write me an insightful response to Joseph's post.

  3. I think your estimate is a bit low:

  4. I think your account has been hacked
