Monday, January 8, 2024

Rangers of Shadow Deep Compendiums...

I’m really looking forward to the release
of Rangers of Shadow Deep: A Gathering of Heroes
. You can pre-order in the USA here, UK & Rest of World here and you’ll get the PDF now. Or you can wait to see what kind of deals North Star does with the book and figures. However, the book has naturally raised a lot of questions. These are the same kinds of questions that always come up when dealing with books of collected material – questions that have plagued game publishers for decades. 

As I said before, I mainly created A Gathering of Heroes to get a big, beautiful book! I included new material because I had some new exciting material that I wanted to present in the best-looking way, and I included older material both to make the book big enough to justify publication but also to give that material the A-star treatment. I wanted to give people the option to buy the better-looking book, but not force them to just to get the new material – which is why the book will have a low ebook price when it is officially released.

If this book goes well, I hope someday I will do something similar with the 3 supplements that currently aren’t collected (Across the Wastes, Dungeons Dark, and Tenebrous Citadel). I don’t know when (or truly even if) that will be. My question – are there people that would like to see these three supplements collected into an Adventure Compendium 2 (to match the Adventure Compendium 1 that I published?). This would contain no new material and would literally just be the three books bound together. The only real plus is having them in one book and getting a cover to match Adventure Compendium 1. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. And just for fun, and for those who might be wondering, here are the 10 Archetypes contained in A Gathering of Heroes

Red Hawk Knight
Chthonian Mage 
River Shark 
Servant of Seth 
Varakian Archer
Vampire Hunter 
Scrollmaster of Melnoth 
Encarnoth Delver 
Wasteland Firesword 
Shadow Deep Survivor or Defector


  1. Personally i didn't buy the first compendium because i already had the PDFs and the price for the paper back doesn't justify it matching my first paperback core book. That being said, i am buying the new book because Modiphius makes some really beautiful books (I’m also into 5 Parsecs/Leagues). Im more likely to buy a new modiphius core book to match anything that’s put out through them. If it stays self published through DriveThru I’ll buy the 2nd compendium eventually. I just haven’t gotten to that point in game playing yet so i don't know any of the material. At the end of the day, i wont be picky about covers matching.

  2. I love collections of material, better to look at and easier to keep everything together. Thanks

  3. Its a pity the postage from Modiphius on all their books is so high to NZ. Its almost the same as the cost of the book, so I'll have to wait and get it through Amazon or somewhere similar.

  4. Would very much like to buy those three supplements as Compendium 2, but may run out of Rangers material soon, and if I wind up buying this series in pdf, it will be hard to justify buying it a second time later as a physical collection.

  5. In the future will it be translated into Spanish?

  6. In the future will it be translated into Spanish?

  7. Yes! Release The Adventure Compendium 2!!! More options never hurt.

  8. Scrollmasters can carry more scrolls than normal, but... scrolls cannot be created, right? I'm not sure if you could find enough of them in the missions to carry that amount (up to 18!)

    Just an example of how good this expansion is, that make you re-think again your characters :D

  9. Compendium 2 take me money please
