Tuesday 1 October 2024

Sam Wilson, Captain America


I didn't touch a paint brush all summer. I was just too busy travelling, playing with the kids, going to the beach, etc. But now that the weather has turned, the kids are back in school, and I'm home again, my fingers have gotten itchy. I jumped back into miniature painting with a Marvel: Crisis Protocol figure that's been in my painting queue for awhile: Sam Wilson, Captain America. I must admit, I really like painting super heroes. Bold Colours, heavy contrast, and details big enough for my aging eyes to see! This one was a little trickery than most with the all the stripes, but fun none-the-less!


  1. You ought to try your hand at a set of supers rules. "Supergrave" doesn't have a great ring to it, but the genre lends itself to small skirmish gaming, and outside of Four-Color Studios rules sets there's not a whole lot of "generic" systems for it. Heroclix, Crisis Protocol and Batman are okay, but they're tightly bound to licensed IPs (and therefore open to sudden and permanent disappearance) and don't easily support using your own figures.
