Friday, October 16, 2020

Stargrave - Cover Reveal

Yes, the rumours are true. I have spent a lot of this year working on a new game...  A game that draws upon many of the basic mechanics found in Frostgrave and Ghost Archipelago, but which uses them in a completely new setting. This is Stargrave, a game set in a ravaged galaxy, where two empires fought a vast war that ended in mutual annihilation. Now, pirate fleets roam the shattered ruins of the galaxy, taking whatever they want and enforcing their own brand of 'justice'. 

Against this dark background, the players create their own small crew. Maybe they are merchants or smugglers, freedom-fighters or wanted criminals, rogue scientists or collectors of alien artefacts. Each crew features two 'characters' a captain and a first-mate, each of whom can choose their own background, such as veteran, cyborg, robotics expert, mystic, rogue or psionicist, to name a few. These backgrounds give access to various powers or abilities that these figures can use during or between games.

Well, a lot more will be coming out about the game in the coming weeks and months, before its release in April 2021. For now, I really just came to show off the cover!  


  1. Excellent news. Been looking for a good SF skirmish gane for ages. One question. Will it have any solo mechanics?

    1. As a long time Space Hulk player, I would love an "AI" to play something against right now.

    2. Cabe, you might want to check out my free game, Operation: Last Train which is similar to a solo Space Hulk.

  2. Massively excited for this one Joe, already started on some sci-fi terrain and picking up the odd mini for my crew and npcs.
    Hoping the game will feature ships as bases, maybe even some boarding scenarios where you can defend your ship against pirates or rival crews.
    Big question though is will there be a set of plastics to go with the game?

    1. And if so, that the plastics are just a weeeeee bit bigger than the current crop of Frostgrave figures. Those guys didn't quite match with most of my stuff, and I'm pretty sure there are no "sci fi" historicals of a smaller scale to match...

  3. I am super-excited for this! It would be great if solo rules are baked in, but if they're in the following (and aptly named) Quarantine-37 supplement, that's cool too.

  4. Very much looking forward to this. Have been after a good sci-fi skirmish game for a while.

  5. Oohhh!!!
    Definately looking forward to this, it will be the perfect exuse to start painting my 15mm scifi lead pile.
    Also +1 for the solo rules.
    "Deep Space Rangers!" yes please!


  6. going from the name I expect "frostgrave" in space// " Vacuüm grave" rather than "Rangers of Shadow Space" .. But having said that I'm really looking forward to this and looking at the fanmade "SF ports" of the rulesets I'm not the only one..

  7. Great news! I hope that Northstar will support it with plastic boxed sets (and keeps going on releasing for Frostgrave and Oathmark)!

  8. Very much looking forward to this after the disappointment that was Starbreach ...
    Will the core crew of four be able to hire "redshirts", that is to say generic crew members? Even if not, I am excited by the prospect of smaller warbands than in FG and GA.
    Are all the profiles here also race-agnostic? Asking for an alien friend ...

  9. looks like a promising foundation to use Necromunda miniatures and terrain :)

  10. Awesome! Who is the artist? Will they be doing the whole book?

  11. Great news! One question, what's the "official" facebook group? There's 3 different ones.

  12. Brilliant news! Please pay no attention to the sobs of despair coming from my wallet.

  13. Mr. McCullough, please consider letting the crew level up as well. It will complicate the game, but it would better let players simulate an ongoing series like Firefly or Babylon 5 where characters did develop over time. (I guess the later Treks did also.) Perhaps a character tier system following Frostgrave captains: so Two "Stars", the Captain and First Mate, 1-3 Supporting Cast (limited advancement), 0-? "Extras", the basic characters who do not advance.

    Regardless, I am interested in this your latest project, and am looking forward to it. Best wishes!

    1. I would expect, as in Frostgrave, the Rangers mechanic for levelling minions would bolt right in there with nary an issue ;)

    2. "... the basic characters who do not advance."

      The Redshirts :D

  14. Count me in! Hundreds of painted Ultramarines and tyrannids are crying out for something to do. Will there be a set of miniatures at North Star, or will you be able to use your own miniatures?

    1. Ooh! I hadn't thought about the mini possibilities! If Northstar bring out some plastic sci-fi dudes that can be kit-bashed with their fantasy ranges, that would be peachy.


      The above link is an interview with Nick Eyre of Northstar games. He says they are working on the Stargrave minis. However, he does not say if there will be plastics. Still, I'd assume the release would be similar to 1st ed Frostgrave at the very least: box of plastics plus assorted metal specialists. If they do come out with plastics (which I also want), I'm hoping it will have female and alien heads right off, like the Broken from Maelstrom's Edge.

  15. the storyline and cover artwork are splendid, sir.

  16. Marvelous news! Really looking forward to this game!

  17. Cool beans! I'm after some cool rules for playing Inquisitor games in the 40k universe. The swingy nature of Frostgrave, in which no one is safe, seems like a good fit for that sort of setting. I was messing round with my own conversion, but I'll wait and bask in the fruits of your labour.

  18. I'll add my Galactic Senate vote to the request for Solo Rules too.

  19. Okay who shot first Han or Greedo... only Joe knows!!!

  20. Exciting, exciting - bloody exciting!!!

  21. Have been hoping for this to come out for sometime now, really can't believe its on the way. You're a star Joe, cheers

  22. Congratulations Joe! Now, I must ask you... Will there be solo rules?

  23. Absolutely amazing! The cover looks great and I love the background you have developed. Really enjoy Frostgrave and Ghost Archipelago, so I can't wait to pick this one up too!

  24. Such a great news ! Really looking forward for it !!

  25. I'm really looking forward to this, playing Osprey's other sci-fi skirmish game Rogue Stars had me collect a lot of amazing figures and even cooler terrain.

    Joe! Will there be any possible way the rules will allow for players to have large or very small crew? I have some beautiful large and small non-human I'd love for my crew!

  26. Can't wait to play this. I have soooo many Sci-Fi minis and ideas for crews.
