Monday, October 12, 2020

Ghost Archipelago Crew!

Well, it took a lot longer than I intended, but I have finally finished my Ghost Archipelago crew! 

I used a real mix of ranges for the group: Ghost Archipelago (3), Reaper (2), Rangers of Shadow Deep, Frostgrave, Hero Forge, Lucid Eye, and Wargames Illustrated! 

Since it looks like it might still be awhile before I can face them off against another crew, I might just have to set-up a solo adventure or two for them.  Also, I need to invest it a couple of small boats to help get them around the Lost Isles! 


  1. Great looking crew, in a wonderful array of attire - they all go well together. Your painting style has certainly done them justice and I especially like the look of the first three in the second picture.

  2. Colorful, but still unified look, like it! Which miniature is from which manufacturer?
    Zvezda makes some nice little boats, but its 1/72, so maybe is too small for 28mm size.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. aybe if the rulebook writing gets a little slow, you could take on some contract painting, sir. Your Boromir, especially his shield, was splendid. Then again, I think you might owe me some painting as the 600 or so dwarves, elves, orcs and goblins on my shelves are kind of your fault, Mr. Oathmark. I was minding my own business working on the Battle of Teutoberger Wald, then the Warlords of Erehwon and Oathmark came along. So Mister Oathmark, thanks a bundle. At least the massive human army that looks suspiciously like GW Chaos warriors and marauders is about done. My best to you, sir. Glad you have time to and joy to paint. Very nice work.

    1. And I tought, that the different armies of my family, with about 250 miniatures is a lot...

    2. It just kind of got away from me lol. I was happily building some early Imperial Romans and Germanic tribesmen and I opened and Oathmark book and and hobby room are overrun with greenskins and elves

  5. I recognize a Giants in Miniature among that crew! Kudos for the paint job on all of them.

    1. Yup, and she's got a baby slung over her back, which is great! I saw the colours and just immediately thought she'd look great in the Archipelago!

  6. That's a cool looking crew; they all ooze character, like the cast of a cartoon show.
