Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Spells in the World of Frostgrave

I am currently working on a Frostgrave supplement which contains a couple of new types of magic and their associated spells. These aren’t for wizards to learn, but the players will get the chance to try them out thanks to the scenarios. Now, I don’t want to say any more about that supplement at the moment, but it did get me thinking. Just how many spells exist in the world of Frostgrave?  So, I decided to find out!

Core Schools of Magic (81)

Frostgrave: Second Edition Rulebook

Homunculus, Lichdom, & Revenant (3)

Thaw of the Lich Lord

Beastcrafter & Reaction Spells (7)

Into the Breeding Pits

Demonic Servant & Mystic Brand (2)

Forgotten Pacts

Schools of the Pentangle (30)

The Maze of Malcor

Warden Spells (30)

Ghost Archipelago Rulebook

Snake-man Magic (8)

Ghost Archiplelago: Lost Colossus

Rangifer Spells (10)

Spellcaster: Issue 3

Slime Spells (4)

Spellcaster:Issue 6

For a grand total of 175 unique spells! (And, as I said, there are more on the way). Well, that should be enough for people to be having some fun with.

I think I have earned the title ‘Spellcrafter’! Especially since I have also written a bunch of spells for Rangers of Shadow Deep and Oathmark as well – though some of these overlap with the Frostgrave ones.


  1. Do you have a chart providing the school associations for the other schools?

  2. I was just looking through the supplements over the past few days and thinking: I wish someone would compile magic items, spells, soldiers and creatures into comprehensive lists with randomizing tables across all these supplements. I'd pay $$$ for that!

  3. I wonder, does this make you the ultimate Sigilist then? ^^

  4. When will we see a new Grimoire II?

  5. For reference, the 2nd edition rulebook has 8 schools with 10 spells each. The 81st spell is transcendence (campaign win condition).

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