Friday, October 2, 2020

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Official Mats!


I'm really excited to announce that Cigar Box Battle is now producing official play mats for Rangers of Shadow Deep. As you can see in the image above, their are four types available, representing the different terrain types. You can even order them with, or without, 1" squares overlaid, as some people prefer squares for movement.

I've actually been using Cigar Box Battle Mats for several years now and have quite a collection. I love them for the high-quality of the graphics, the softness of the cloth material (seriously, they cushion your miniatures!), and how easily they can be folded up for storage.

In fact, the only downside to these mats is that they are so nice, my children occasionally swipe them to use as blankets!


  1. They do look nice. Thanks for sharing.

  2. The mats looks really nice. I love the desert themed one, especially with the green ochre colour. It really feels like a sinister desert.

  3. Those are some cool looking battle mats; though I'm more excited about the announcement of new releases for Oathmark and Frostgrave! Woohoo!

  4. Will they be sold within EU as well, or is it US only?
