Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Covin (or Grey Company Ranger)

Another figure finished in my week of holiday painting, this figure comes from the official Rangers of Shadow Deep line produced by North Star.

The figure represents Covin, one of the auxiliary companions I created for the Blood Moon scenario to serve as suspects in the werewolf hunt. In truth, he looks much cooler and more noble that I originally imagined him. In fact, he struck me as rather Dunedain in appearance. So, I painted him up to serve as one of the Grey Company, who followed Aragorn through the Paths of the Dead and onto Minas Tirith after borrowing the Corsair's ships.

Bobby Jackson turned in another amazing sculpt for this one, and it was a real joy to paint. The banded armour, especially, gives nice lines and definition to the torso.

You can only sort of see it in my photo, but if you carefully examine the figure, you might notice he has a very strange glove on his left hand. That's because the character of Covin only has two fingers on this hand. I remember when Bobby came to sculpt the figure, he emailed me and asked about that. He rightly pointed out that if people received a figure with only two figures on one hand, they would probably assume it was a casting error (and Nick at North Star would have loved me for those emails...).  So, he suggested giving the figure a specially created glove to make it more apparent that the move was intentional. 

Well, whether fighting Mordor or the Shadow Deep, this guy is ready to go!


  1. Another lovely figure and evocative paint job.

  2. Really well succeeded, especially the face.

  3. That's a well painted cool mini.

  4. who followed Aragorn through the Paths of the Dead and onto Minas Tirith after borrowing the Corsair's ships.

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