Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Rangers of Shadow Deep Progress Report

I just wanted to take a moment and let everyone know how things stand with Rangers of Shadow Deep.

The Deluxe Edition - Apparently stock of this book is getting low again, and, it might be the last printing. With rising printing costs and smaller print runs, it might not be possible to keep this version of the book in print, so if you want one, get it now. I am talking to Modiphius about different ways to keep the book in print.

Dungeons Deep (The Rescue Part 2). The truth is, I did a lot of work on this book and then decided I wasn't at all happy with it. So, I decided to ditch it and start over. Unfortunately, I have a couple of contractual items to complete before I can get back to it. I should be working on it towards the end of the year, with an eye to releasing in the first quarter of 2021.

Blaster 2 - This anthology is going to contain the first part of my Shadowgrave rules, essentially bringing the Cthulhu Mythos to games of Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago, and Rangers of Shadow Deep.  It includes rules for sanity rolls, permanent madness, some monsters, and a scenario for each game. The anthology is essentially done, we are just having some issues getting it uploaded to DriveThruRPG for print-on-demand.

Monster Cards - Modiphius are working on a set of monster cards that will include a card for every creature that has featured in the game so far. Barrett Stanley has provided illustrations for all of the creatures that have not previously been illustrated.

So, that's where things stand at the moment. I'll let everyone know if anything changes on any of those, or if anything new comes up!


  1. This is all exciting. I’m enjoying your commitment to continued compatibility throughout all of your content. It’s inspiring to watch. Keep up the excellent work. As always, thank you for your contributions to this great hobby!

  2. Cthulhu Mythos in your games?! OMG! Yes!

  3. Really looking forward to the monster cards!!

  4. Hi, have you received my comments about the Oathmark: Battlesworn? Email was sent over 2 weeks ago and titled ''Oathmark: Battlesworn/Core Rulebook feedback''. I ask because there was no response and I am worried it got lost.

  5. I loved your non-fiction on zombies. It would be great to turn some of that into a campaign.

    1. Many thanks! For a time, I thought it would be my best-remembered work!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Replies
    1. Well, he himself doesn't show up, but one of his Starspawn might just make an appearance in the Ghost Archipelago...

  8. Thanks for the tip, I managed to find a copy. I wanted to play it in the future so I was postponing the buy. It will be great to have a look at the rules and illustrations even if I don't play soon

  9. Those are some fantastic news. The monster cards will surely save some time flipping through books, while the news on RoSD make me almost run to (finally) buy a copy.
    But, most important of all, the shadowgrave supplement sounds like a must buy for the #fg28 community on Instagram and will most surely find it's way into the #thealignment28 event!

  10. Ooh, Shadowgrave sounds like Deepest Darkest Dungeon.

  11. Is there any desire to compile your expansions into one meaty volume?

  12. My local gaming stores were sold out and with the status of a reprint being unsure, I grabbed a copy off of Amazon Canada. They still have copies left...

  13. Stop creating so wonderful things!!!! I can't keep the pace! Cthulhu is one of my very passions! Can't wait for it.....

  14. The Deluxe Edition: Apparantly im getting hyped for this game way too late haha. Crafting a lot of fun stuff an downloaded some payed content, but eventually would love to have that beautifull book on the shelf.
    Hope you guys can print it again in the future, perhaps kickstart a bundle. I would be pour, but that would be great! Kind Regards and keep up this great work.
