Friday, November 13, 2020

Ogre or Troll?

Another victory from my holiday painting! This is a Reaper Bones Ogre sculpted by Bobby Jackson. I must admit, the more I work with the bones material, the more I like it. It's never going to overtake metal as my favourite material to paint, but for bigger creatures I prefer it overall. It sure makes storage a lot easier and is very resistant to damage.

Although this figure is listed as an ogre, and will probably seem some use as such in Rangers of Shadow Deep and other games, it also fits my mental image of Middle-earth trolls. In fact, Bobby sculpted three similar ogres, and I do wonder if that wasn't so people could use them as the three trolls from The Hobbit, should they so desire. 

I painted him using what has become my 'default method' these days. Basically, 3 - 4 layers of paint for most areas mixed with 2 or 3 washes of decreasing thickness. It's a rather slow process, as it means a lot of waiting for washes to dry, but I think the slow pace means I spend more time thinking about a miniature and more time examining places that might need a touch up. 

Anyway, it's one I'm glad to add to the collection. 


  1. That is a beautiful mini. I mix my own wages and my "formula" works well for human sized figures but doesn't play nicely with the large surfaces on my big guys. Your results are inspirational!

  2. Im painting the same miniature right now. However mine has a greenish skintone, and I dont like Bones material (nightmare to remove burrs).

  3. I was definitely channeling Tom, Bert and William. :)

  4. Love the paint job! Subtle-yet-striking and definitely matches my notion of "troll skin tone." Personally, my own mental image of the Trolls in the Hobbit is permanently affixed to what they looked like in the Ralph Bakshi animated film!

  5. Sorry! Correction: The Hobbit was Rankin/Bass, not Bakshi...

  6. Wonderful looking troll/ogre - superb paint job. To be honest what is the real difference between a troll and an ogre anyway? Use the miniatures for whatever you want them to represent and enjoy gaming with them.

    1. Im not an expert in non-existing species (neither), but do have ogres in any universe have regeneration? Or do they turn into stone in the sunlight? For me, ogres are more like some kind of common, average half-giants.
      But youre right, I use sometimes a werecorodile as a Frostgrave troll...

  7. Just been looking at buying the three ogres mentioned (your excellent paint job pushed me to it), but they are currently out of stock on the Reaper site :-(

    1. Try Pippd. They stock a lot of Reaper minis at good prices.

  8. Lovely job on them both. I am torn between getting some reaper ogres that I have had my eye on for ages or the lovely ones Crooked Dice does.


  9. I am very thankful to you as your article has given me lots of ideas.This article is awesome! You did a really good job.Thank for sharing. Keep up the good work.


  10. It's never going to overtake metal as my favourite material to paint,

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