Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Kai Lord (or Ranger)

Things have been a bit quiet around the blog of late, especially for hobby posts. This is because I have been making a conscious effort over the last month or so to spend less time online. As is pretty common in this year of years, my anxiety levels have been pretty high, and I wanted to see if unplugging a bit would help. So now, when I'm not using it, I actually put my computer away in a drawer and usually dump the phone in there as well. I do think it has helped.

I have no-plans to go offline completely - my life, my hobby, and my connection to my family all depend on it to some extent, but I do think cutting back has been, and will be, a good idea.

Also, it means that I've had more time for painting. Not just more time, but because the computer is away, I can keep the paints set-up on my desk more, which means I can grab a few minutes here and there to put on a layer or apply a wash.

Anyway, here is my latest offering. This is a Reaper mini sculpted by Bob Ridolfi. As is my wont these days, I cut him off his integral base and stuck him on a GW. I also cut off a couple of little spikes on his sword that were making him look a bit more evil.

I like this figure a lot because of its general 'low fantasy' vibe. Although it doesn't have a huge amount of detail, what detail it has, such as the armour, is deep and takes the paint well. I gave him a nice green cloak so that he would be equally at home as a Kai Lord or Ranger for Middle-Earth or the Shadow Deep.  I also gave him a beard...just cause. 

A very enjoyable mini to paint.


  1. I love Lone Wolf! Only discovered the Kai Lord's after the mobile game came out and there was a Kickstarter RPG. But went on to discover the digital version of the old adventure books and became a huge fan of Joe Dever and his world. I'll probably paint a unit of Kai Lords for Rangers of Shadows Deep now too.

  2. Looks great. I thought I'd looked at every Reaper mini that would work as a Ranger but I don't think I've seen this one.

  3. Kudos to you for reducing your online time! You gotta do what makes you healthy. Less online does allow for more painting. I keep telling myself that as I buy another pack of miniatures.

  4. Great paintjob on another great miniature. I really like your painting style and the way in which so many of your finished figures tie in so well together.

    I agree with needing to spend less time online. I have been working from home since March and it is really getting to me being stuck in front of the PC all day for work and then trying to catch up with family, friends and the hobby in the evenings. I too think effort should be made to reduce screen time where one can, get out more for exercise to clear one's head, and use any other spare time to do something non-electornicaly related - like painting miniatures.

  5. Great mini. Listened to my first pod cast that you were on with Chris McDowell. You spoke on lots of things - but Frostgrave and the whole ‘RPGing mini battle games’ was fantastic. Appreciate the down time from social media. We all need it from time to time. Do what makes you happy and healthy - and no mater what level you stay at for social media - I’ll be waiting for more of what you are standing for. Keep up the amazing work and creativity. It matters.

  6. Nice work.......can’t agree more on the IT reduction side. But I have managed to not get hooked on many of the social media platforms and hope to stay that way. It is ironic that many people are now discussing using the real world to get away from the virtual !
