Friday, March 26, 2021

Great Obelisk of C'thulhu


The latest miniature off my painting table is the Great Obelisk of C'thulhu from Reaper Bones. Here it is, guarded by my recently painted snakemen.

I didn't do a huge amount of work on this figure. It's basically just layered grey with a couple of green washes, and some shiny green eyes. I mounted the whole thing on a MDF base to give it some extra stability.

It's a great little piece, and considering my scenario writing, it'll likely make it onto the table quite a bit!

In fact, such a thing is downright necessary for the solo Ghost Archipelago scenario that is included in the forthcoming Blaster, Volume 3.


  1. That is a nice piece. I'm disappointed by things like Reaper Bones' stone circle, where they haven't taken the opportunity to add some cool detailing to their piece; making it look like something that could be easily made at home from household junk. This Obelisk has that cool cephalopod topper and the runic inscriptions to add some interest.

  2. That is a lovely piece, and the extra mdf base gives it more gravitas. Those snakemen are definitely some of the best representations I have seen of those who ruled the earth prior to the great deluge.

  3. I love the Blaster volumes but will you still be releasing new issues of Spellcaster

    1. I plan to continue with Spellcater. I have just been caught up in other things for awhile.

    2. Will we get Starcaster too; or will you use Blaster for Stargrave fun?

  4. One of my favourite bones pieces. I did the octopus green because I being creatively lazy.

    1. I like that idea of it being a real octopus just chilling on a big rock. :)
