Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Wargames Illustrated, Issue 400

Wargames Illustrated magazine hits a pretty incredible milestone this month with its 400th issue! That's a seriously long run for any magazine, but especially one devoted to such a small hobby! Congratulations to Dan Falconbridge, the current owner, and all who have worked on the magazine over the years.

I have been honoured to appear in those pages on many occasions, and I have another piece in this historic issue.

I was asked by the editors to do a 'Top 10 List', and after giving it some though, I went for my 'Top 10 Wargames Mechanics'.  I figured, if nothing else, it will at least prove controversial! 

Anyway, it's a fun packed issue, with lots of looks at the past, a long article from Rick Priestly on major wargame releases of the past thirty years (Frostgrave even gets a mention!), an interview with the Perry twins, a look at Nick Eyrie's Union infantry, and more. In fact, the mag even comes with a free set of rules - Death in the Dark Continent, Lite - as a separate booklet in the bag.

Might be worth checking out! You can order it direct from Wargames Illustrated or from North Star.


  1. Wow...

    I have issue #4 in a box somewhere... Back in the day it was the only way to source decent historical miniatures here is Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada - through the ads in Wargames Illustrated. As a teen in the late 80s without credit card or internet, that would involve spending $5 or $6 (when minimum wage was $3/hour) to mail off a postal money order just to get a catalogue... that might show up two or three months later... and then even MORE (half of which might be shipping) to mail off a second money order for the miniatures you want, which then would also show up three to four months later - if at all! (so when I see people complaining on forums about their order not showing up within a week... all I can think it "you have NO IDEA...").

    1. While I wouldn't want to go back to those days, I do think there is an argument to be made that the hobby is better enjoyed at the speed of the magazine than the speed of the internet.

  2. I enjoyed your article and particularly your explanations of why you thought them noteworthy.

    1. Many thanks. Obviously, it's just my preferences, and certainly shows a bias towards specific kind of games, but hopefully got some people thinking!

  3. I have been enjoying reading through Wi#400. There is still a nostalgia from receiving your monthly hobby magazine through the post.

  4. Just got my copy this weekend. I found it more interesting than usual. Lots to reminisce over and some things I hadn't taken notice of at the time
