Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Stargrave: Dead or Alive (A Free Mini-Supplement Coming Soon…)

Stargrave was designed as a competitive game between two or more players, but I always knew that I would tinker with some solo mechanics for it. I just didn’t think I would do it quite so soon!

But, with lockdowns lingering, and an uncertain future for competitive gaming, I wanted to give people the opportunity to play some Stargrave as soon as they got the book. I mean, most players will already have miniatures and terrain they can use. They might just lack the opponent!

So, over the last couple of months, I developed a special mini-expansion for Stargrave that is going to be released for FREE at the same time as the rulebook. It’s called Stargrave: Dead or Alive. This mini-expansion allows you roll up solo, bounty hunting scenarios. Essentially, you roll for the unique outlaw you are after and their gang. You roll for a setting and any potential complications. Then, using the simple rules modifications, you go after your mark!

It’s not a full set of solo rules, but it is enough to give everyone a chance to play and get a taste for the game. And, for those that desire, it should be pretty easy to expand upon the ideas to construct longer bounty-hunting campaigns.

So, that’s coming free on the Osprey site when Stargrave launches!

(Now, try to think about the title Stargrave: Dead or Alive without singing it like the similarly titled Bon Jovi song...)


  1. Exciting news, fantastic! Thanks!

    Will Dead or Alive be games with a full crew vs the mark, or more like RoSD with a hero and a sidekick or two in pursuit?

    I'm playing a lot of RoSD online at the moment, and it is working so much better than I had ever hoped it would that I am already thinking about a sci-fi version... and I haven't even seen the Stargrave rulebook yet.

    1. Awesome! I'm ready for some bounty hunting?

    2. Pretty certain there are some RoSD SciFi skins in the facebook group

    3. On that last note....will it feature rules for steel horses too?

    4. I'm a cowboy (BWAAAAAH) on a steel horse I ride!

  2. Great! My Dengar is ready to hunt some bounties.

  3. I really hope there is a print option.

  4. You spin me right round, baby, right round, like a 40mw plasma round in tbe FACE!
    Heh heh. Good stuff as ever :)

  5. I want to give you kudos right away, but can't on Facebook because I got a 24 hour ban for writing that Christians are weird. Anyway, thanks for making this! I'm looking forward to it already!

  6. Yes fantastic and can`t wait, thanks very much.
    As for the song, in my mind is the Group Dead or Alive and the song "You spin me (like a record baby)" :)
    Thanks again

    1. Oh, so I'm not alone in my suffering :D :D :D

  7. Many thanks, looking forward to it.

  8. Thanks a lot, those are really good news!

  9. Thanks Joe... now Bon Jovi “ Dead or alive” is stuck in my head.... and thank you for the supplement for solo gaming... 🤨😁

    1. Thats much better then the zombie shark tuttutututu last time... 😀

    2. I've got "You spin me right round (like a record)" by Dead Or Alive worming its way in to my brain. :(

  10. Does anyone know when the Nickstarter is for this?

  11. I'll probably sign up for the Nickstarter with Brigade Games--would this still be available thru them?

  12. @Joe. Ordered my three boxes of minis through Brigade to get in on Nickstarter. £29k after one day! Awesome! Any chance this is the most successful Nickstarter ever?

    1. Thanks JP! I can't remember all of the Nickstarters, but I think the answer is not yet. I seem to remember one - perhaps the Muskets and Tomahawks one going to £40K-ish.

  13. @Joe- can you post on your blog when "Dead or Alive" is available? I just checked Osprey's site and don't see it-- am definitely going to want it when my Nickstarter order arrives! thanks.

  14. Hi Joseph.
    Will we get our hands on this dead or alive expansion? My son want to try it solo...
