Monday, March 15, 2021

Oathmark Halflings!

Never let it be said that Osprey doesn't listen to their fans! As one of my last tasks as an Osprey employee, I was asked to create an 'unofficial' Halfling army list for Oathmark.

Officially, there are no Halflings in the Marches, but we know that a lot of players either have the figures, or wanted an excuse to get some! 

So, here you go. Since Halflings aren't really warriors by nature, and their settlements are generally small, it's kind of a 'half-list' in relation to the other races. This includes a small, but particular spell list.

As part of the fun, North Star got Mark Copplestone to sculpt a new Halfling hero for the occasion, which you can see here. 

You can pick up this guy, and bolster your halfling forces at North Star Military Figures! 

I hope it brings some fun to your tabletops!


  1. Wow, I think this is great news, looking forward to getting my hands on them and painting a few up-although they won't match the amazing work done on this lil dude. Well done sir!!!

  2. Excellent, this is great stuff. Thank you.

  3. Nice!

    One question - is it supposed to be two Catapults for the Logging Camp as per other races?

    1. No, Halfling catapults just aren't that common!

    2. Oo, ouch. I had that right first time then, it’s *exactly* as written!

      Off to the Discord I go...

  4. That's a really cool Rangers of Shadow Deep Halfling :D I like how Rangers and Oathmark have a similar aesthetic.

  5. When you say 'officially' there are no halflings is that more of a legal thing or is there a fairly specific Marches world coming into play with a timeline, map or something?

  6. I am very delighted by the release of this Halfling Army list. Got an old Halfling army, which had to be proxies as humans, which now come to their right.
    The only thing that really is missing are some cavalry, melee and Rangers. Would it be possible to add these?

  7. I appreciate that there's at least one unit that uses Slings. Wargames Atlantic puts out a Halfling box that includes slings as a weapon option.

  8. Hey Joe. I don't have Facebook, so hopefully asking here is okay. The goblins are the only race in the core book that doesn't have Magic Items on the General, Captain and Champion. Given it's a bit of an odd one out, given the equivalent units for every other race have this trait, could you please clarify if this is intentional?

  9. Hey Joe. I don't have Facebook, so hopefully asking here is okay. The goblins are the only race in the core book that doesn't have Magic Items on the General, Captain and Champion. Given it's a bit of an odd one out, given the equivalent units for every other race have this trait, could you please clarify if this is intentional?

    1. Sure. This was an intentional decision, but it doesn't seem to have been a popular one! In truth, it wouldn't really make much difference to allow them to have magic items.

    2. Gotcha. Ah, well. I've already scribbled the trait into the book, haha. Keen to keep the races on a more even footing in that sense. Unless I've missed it, the book isn't explicit about the game being balanced towards mixed-race armies, so hamstringing one race in this specific manner sits a little odd with me.
      Thanks for the response!
