Thursday, January 20, 2022

Feed Me!


I can't honestly say that this figure was the most fun to paint. It's mostly a lot of green and orange. But I love the results! It's such a centrepiece model!

It's a Reaper Bones model. It comes from their latest kickstarter, but I managed to pick it up separately at the last Salute. I added a couple of extra pumpkins on the base, because the more the merrier. 

This guy will likely serve a lot of uses in the future...


  1. I feel there need to be a Linus Van Pelt in there somewhere... The great pumpkin!

  2. Great job on a cool model. I have just finished the Reaper Pumpkin Golem and Pumpkin Horror. I hope this figure makes it into 'open stock.' Tis true, too cool to pass up.

  3. I want to see your pumpkin battles on this blog again!

    1. I'm impressed you remember! I'm thinking about rebooting my pumpkin forces with this guy as the centre piece!

    2. I found your blog about a year before Frostgrave came out and the creativity in the pumpkin army and the 40k skirmishes with daleks we're what caught my interest. There is almost no hobby presence where I am in rural New York so I doubt I would have found out about Frostgrave and Oathmark if your hobby posts (and the occasional bike trip report) hasn't caught my interest.


  4. "Front rank, fire! Rear rank, RUN AWAY!"
