Friday, January 14, 2022

Greatest. Christmas Present. Ever.


I guess I was 6 or 7? The cost must have been painful to my parents. But, it was probably one of the best toy-investments they ever made. I built that castle so many times. And I played with it. So many battles, so many tournaments, so many adventures.

Amazingly, some 35+ years later, the instructions and most of the pieces still exist. I have turned it, along with the rest of my sizable childhood LEGO collection, over to my parents so that it can be used whenever the grandkids come around.  Another generation gets to discover the fun!


  1. For me, it was an Erector Set when I was 8. Came in a big plastic yellow carrying case. All pieces were metal and would cut your fingers if you finger-tightened the screws. I built robots and cars and more stuff than I can remember.

  2. My goodness. My brother and I drooled over that set. I saw the picture and was 6 again flipping through the Lego catalog...

  3. Bizarrely, this has reminded me of one of my own childhood memories of a present I got for Christmas sometime in the late 80's/early 90's.

    Small wonder I have such an affinity with Silver Bayonet all these years (decades) later.

  4. I had that same set. It started a life long passion for lego. I still remember that set fondly. Of all the sets I've had, it's the one I have the clearest memories of building; even after all these years.

  5. I had that one too! Started me down a dark path of Lego battles that lead right to miniatures.

  6. Our Mum bought us Smith Siblings a huge haul of regular Lego from a jumble-sale. We had great fun; though our front teeth probably suffered from years of stripping 8x4 Plate Elements apart with our incisors.

  7. LEGO has made some incredible sets over the years, but none are as special to me as the sets from that era. Even the sets I didn't have, I studied in catalogs until I could probably have built them from scratch. I think my favorite LEGO product back then was the LEGO Idea Book 6000, with Bill and Mary building a house, exploring town, going to space, and finally arriving at the yellow castle.

  8. For me was a lego castle too, the Black Knight one, maybe early ‘90. and warcraft 2 too…

  9. AH the Timpo Wild West Town c. 1969. This was back when you could buy a Timpo figure with pocket money, and you could swop heads, hats, torsos, legs and weapons. Later on they became boring single piece moulds I beleive.

  10. I agree, LEGO is a timeless classic and I can confirm that our grandchildren are now playing with some very early sets as well as new boxes.

  11. Those Knights were one of favourite sets. :-)

  12. These were and are terrific presents. They never grow old.

    As a matter of fact, my son nowadays has kinda landed a dream job of mine. He works in a LEGO store.....

  13. got that one for Christmas best set ever!

  14. Wow, that brings back memories. I had the same set and about the same time ago. I played with it for many years, then it went on to my nephew. Thank you for allowing me to reminisce.
