Tuesday, January 4, 2022

If you go into the Woods at Night...

Near the end of last year, I scratch-built an evil shrine, but I figured the shrine needed some sort of guardian. I had recently bought this Reaper beastman and thought he fit the job description perfectly. The figure is a 'bones black', sculpted by Jason Weibe, and I've got to admit, it was a joy to paint. The detail is large and sharp, and the figure has a real presence. I bought him as a loose figure, but I'm very tempted to pick up the full set. 

I had so much fun making the shrine and painting the beastman, that I just had to write a scenario for them. I offered the scenario to Wargames: Soldiers & Strategy and it is set to appear in the next issue - so keep an eye out!

Recently, one of the lights I was using to photograph miniatures died... thus I'm having to use the camera flash on a lot of shots. This tends to make miniature scenes appear to be happening a night. It works well for this scene, but I'm looking for a replacement.


  1. will there be anymore scenarios coming especially solo ones?

  2. I look forward to seeing the next issue of W, S & S.


  3. For the first time in decades, I have actually ordered some metal minis; that's how enthused I am by this setting.
