Monday, January 17, 2022

I have a new professional website! Well, at least semi-professional, which is about as professional as I tend to get.

For a while now, this blog has had the awkward task of being both my personal hobby blog and my  place to announce new professional developments. While this worked well enough when I only had Frostgrave to keep track of, it's become increasing hard as my work has expanded. Really, I needed a place where I could keep track of all of my writings and give updates on all my games without feeling like I was overwhelming my hobby space.

So, please go have a look at the new website and let me know what you think. 

While I will announce, or at least talk about, some of the major parts of my job here - I would like to return this blog to being primarily a hobby journal.


  1. Hi, I think makes completely sense, did not have yet time to check the whole site but I noticed that there is no favico. This is a small feature but I think it is really nice to have an icon representing the site expecially when you create a bookmark on browser or you add the site link on your android desktop.
    Maybe you would like to consider adding one.

    1. In truth, I've never heard of it. I'll look into it.

  2. Damn - doesn't look like it works with my rss widget feed thing :-(

    Don't suppose it's easy to add something to your new site?

    1. This worked for me

    2. Huzzah! We are in business... thanks!
