I did find time though, to take a couple of snaps of the
figures I finished just before the birth. At the time, I was working on some
warriors of Rohan, based on Musketeer Miniatures. These figures are a real joy
to paint; both the sculpting and the casting are so crisp, and the detail so
distinct, that it really compliments my painting style, which relies heavily on
black-lining between detail.

As for the designs themselves, I’m going with a bit of trial
and error. I think most of the shields will end up with some kind of four
quadrant design as it is generally easy to paint, but looks very effective,
especially from a couple of feet away (the distance you see figures when they
are actually on the wargaming table). That said, I’m experimenting with some
more complicated designs as well.
So, here is my force so far, one rider and a couple of
warriors. I’ve got a couple more half completed, which will appear soon (baby
They look great - the shield patterns also are very nice. Best, Dean